All About Joe Jonas !!!


Joe sometimes wears glasses because he is nearsighted.

~kadang-kadang joe pakai kacamata, soalnya dia rabun dekat!

If Joe were president for a day, he said that he would make cotton candy trees.

~ kalau joe jadi presiden sehari, dia akan membuat pohon permen kapas

As of 2007, he lives in Los Angeles, California.

~ sejak tahun 2007, joe tinggal di L.A.,California.

He doesn’t like when a girl asks him out. He prefers to make the moves.

~joe nggak suka ketika seorang cewek menanyainya duluan, dia lebih suka dia duluan yang menanyai (maksudnya menyatakan suka).

Joe’s favorite vacation spot is the Bahamas.

~tempat liburan favorit joe adalah pantai Bahamas.

Joe’s toothbrush color is blue.

~warna sikat gigi joe adalah biru.

When Joe was younger, he never wanted to sing.

~ketika masih anak, joe nggak pernah pingin jadi penyanyi.

Joe attended Eastern Christian High School in North Haledon, New Jersey.

~joe sekolah di SMA Kristen di Haledon utara, new jersey.

Joe loves the song “Crank That” by Soulja Boy.

~joe suka lagu yg dibawakan oleh Soulja Boy, judulnya “crank that”.

Joe’s first big purchase were Nike Dunks.

~pembelian termahal yg pertama untuk joe adalah bola nike.

He owns 5 guitars.

~joe punya 5 gitar.

Joe’s favorite historical era was the 1980s

~ jaman sejarah yang paling disukai joe adalah 80-an.

The first book Joe ever read was Are You My Mother? by P.D. Eastman.

~ buku pertama yang pernah dibaca joe adalah “apakah kau ibuku?” oleh P.D. Eastman.

Joe’s favorite designer is LaCoste’s

~ perancang baju favorit joe adalah LaCoste’s.

Joe’s favorite author is Dr. Seuss.

~ penulis favorit joe adalah Dr. Seuss. (pengarang Horton hears a who!)

Joe’s most ridiculous New Year’s resolution is to talk to animals.

~ harapan tahun baru joe yg paling menggelikan adalah berbicara pada hewan.

Joe is a big fan of Penn State University college football.

~ Joe adalah penggemar sepak bola Penn State University.

When Joe was younger, he once got his head stuck in his tambourine.

~ ketika masih kecil, kepala joe pernah terjepit di tamborinnya!

Joe’s most ticklish spot is his neck.

~ joe paling punya banyak tahi lalat di lehernya.

The first album Joe ever bought was a Britney Spears CD.

~ CD pertama yang pernah dibeli joe adalah CD-nya Britney Spears.

Joe’s favorite kind of car is a Mercedes.

~ Joe paling suka mobil Mercedes.

He’s had dreams about being chased by a giant frog and also being followed everywhere by Avril Lavigne.

~ joe pernah bermimpi diburu oleh katak raksasa dan diikuti Avril Lavigne kemanapun dia pergi.

Joe likes potato chips in his peanut butter and jelly sandwiches

~ joe suka keripik kentang ada di sandwich selai kacang dan jelinya.

According to his mom (Denise), Joe would do things “like getting his head stuck in between bars of a railing.” and it would “take firemen to get him out

~ kata ibu joe, kepala joe pernah terjepit diantara pagar dan butuh pemadam kebakaran untuk mengeluarkannya dari sana.

His name, Joseph, means “He will enlarge” and is of Hebrew origin.
His middle name, Adam, means “Man” or “earth” and is of Hebrew origin also.

~ nama Joe, joseph berarti “ dia akan diluaskan” dan itu berasal dari bahasa yahudiNama tengahnya, adam berarti “ lelaki” atau “bumi/tanah” dan itu juga berasal dari bahasa yahudi juga.

Joe wants to design a disco ball helmet.

~ joe ingin mendesign helm yg seperti bola disco.

Joe would one day like to travel to the moon.

~ joe ingin suatu hari ia bisa pergi ke bulan.

If he could take two people, dead or alive, on a cross-country road trip, Joe would take Chris Farley and Jesus Christ.

~ kalau dia bisa mengajak 2 orang yang hidup ataupun sudah mati untuk jalan-jalan keliling dunia, dia akan mengajak Chris Farley dan Tuhan Yesus.

Joe’s favorite after school snack is a power bar.

~ snack favorit joe adalah “power bar”.

He would like to perform with U2, The Police, Will Smith and Rascal Flatts.

~ joe pingin tampil bareng U2, The police, Will Smith dan Rascal Flatts.

Joe’s trademark is headbands.

~ khas Joe adalah ikat kepala.

He was very excited when his younger brother Frankie was born. The first night home from the hospital, Joe woke up to help his mother with feeding and diaper changing.

~ Joe sangat senang ketika adik laki-lakinya,Frankie lahir. Malam pertama adiknya pulang dari rumah sakit, joe membantu ibunya untuk membuatkan susu Frankie dan mengganti popoknya.

If Joe’s house was ever on fire, he said that he would probably try save his guitar.

~ kalau ada kebakaran, benda pertama yang akan diselamatkan joe adalah gitarnya.

Joe said that he relates to Baloo from the movie The Jungle Book the most, because he can give big bear hugs.

~ Joe bilang kalau dia mirip dengan dengan Baloo, beruang yang ada di Film Jungle Book, karena dia bias memberikan pelukan beruang besar!

Joe is currently 146 lbs.

~ saat ini, berat badan joe 58,4 kg.

He has red starry socks he wears for luck.

~ joe punya kaos kaki merah berpola bintang yang sering ia pakai sebagai benda keberuntungan.

His “choppy locks” hairstyle is inspired by Japanime cartoons.

~model  rambut  joe terinspirasi dari kartun jepang.

When Joe doesn’t know how to win a girl’s heart, he turns to his older brother Kevin for advice.

~ kalau joe nggak tau cara ngedapetin cewek, dia bakal Tanya sama kakaknya, Kevin untuk mendapatkan nasehat.

For Halloween one year, Joe dressed up as a cowboy riding a bull.

~ Halloween tahun lalu, joe pakai kostum koboi yang sedang menunggangi banteng.

Joe use to collect pens when he was younger.

~ joe mengoleksi bolpoin ketika masih kecil.

Joe has been home schooled since 7th grade.

~ joe homeschool sejak kelas 7 (1 smp).

According to his mom, Joe was quiet as a child.

~ menurut ibunya, joe anak yang pendiam.

He likes girls that wear leggings.

~ joe suka cewek yang pakai legging.

On September 4, 2007, Joe pretended he was a ghost on a youtube video.

~ tanggal 4 sep. 2007, joe berpura-pura jadi hantu di youtube.

Joe is of Italian descent.

~ joe keturunan itali.

Joe’s favorite tie is his zebra-striped tie.

~ dasi favorit joe adalah dasi strip zebra.

His nicknames are JJ and Danger

~ nama pendek joe adalah JJ dan Danger.

Joe likes Justin Timberlake’s song “Cry Me a River.”

~ joe suka lagunya Justin yang “cry me a river”.

Joe loves Rihanna’s song “Umbrella.”

~ joe juga suka lagunya rihanna yang umbrella.

His favorite show when he was a kid was Barney.

~ acara favorite joe waktu dia masih kecil adalah Barney.

Joe’s favorite power ranger is the pink ranger.

~ power ranger favorit joe itu ranger merah muda!

Joe owns an iPhone.

~ joe punya iPhone.

Joe’s biggest pet peeve is when he asks a girl out to dinner and they say they already ate.

~ joe paling benci, paling marah kalo dia ngajak cewek makan dan si cewek bilang dia udah makan.

Joe loves to eat any type of exotic food.

~ joe suka makan makanan daerah.

He was born on his parents’ anniversary.

~ joe lahir waktu ulang tahun pernikahan ortunya.

Joe likes shiny things.

~ joe suka benda2 yang bersinar/cerah.

Joe’s celebrity crushed are Emma Watson, Jessica Alba, Katharine McPhee and Natalie Portman.

~ selebrity yang sangat ditaksir Joe adalah Emma Watson, Jessica alba, Katharine Mcphee dan Natalie Portman.

He writes with his right hand.

~ joe nulis pakai tangan kanan.

Joe’s role model is his father.

~ stylist joe adalah ayahnya.

Joe’s favorite songs from the album, Jonas Brothers, is “Still in Love With You” and “Australia.”

~ lagu kesukaan joe dari album Jonas Brother yaitu “still in love with you” dan “ Australia”.

Joe’s favorite cereal is Trix.

~ sereal kesukaan joe adalah Trix.

His favorite gum flavor is original bubblegum.

~ joe suka permen Karen rasa original.

Joe would like to record a song with the band, The Police.

~ joe pingin rekaman bareng The police.

He is a big fan of the High School Musical movies. His favorite character is Chad, who is played by Corbin Bleu.

~ joe suka banget film High School Musical, karakter favoritnya itu Chad, yang dimainin oleh Corbin Bleu.

Joe was in three broadway productions called “La Bohème,” “The Velveteen Rabbit,” and “Oliver.”

~ joe main di 3 drama Broadway, yaitu La Boheme, the velveteen Rabbit dan oliver.

Joe’s favorite song from the album, Its About Time, is “I Am What I Am.”

~ lagu favorit joe di album “It’s about time” adalah I am what I am.

The best present that Joe ever got from a fan was a hippo.

~ hadiah terbaik yang joe pernah dapatkan dari fansnya adalah kuda nil.

If Joe could pick anyone in the world to play him in a movie about his life, he would want Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow to play him.

~ kalau joe bisa memilih seseorang di dunia ini untuk memainkan dirinya di film, ia ingin Johnny depp sebagai jack sparrow untuk memainkannya.

Joe had a dog named Coco when he was younger.

~ dulu, waktu kecil joe pernah punya anjing namanya Coco.

His favorite ice cream place is Pinkberry.

~ joe suka Ice cream di Pinkberry (ky’ hillary!)

Joe’s favorite book is A Wrinkle in Time.

~ buku favorit joe adalah A wrinkle in time.(yang ada Ms who, which ama whatsit nya itu ya?)

His favorite pizza topping is BBQ chicken.

~ taburan pizza favorit joe adalah ayam BBQ.

Joe’s favorite junk food snacks are mint and creme oreos.

~ snack favorit joe adalah mint an krim oreo.

He has three brothers named Kevin, Nick, and Frankie.

~ joe punya saudara 3, namanya Kevin, nick, dan Frankie.

Joe’s favorite animal is a monkey.

~ hewan kesukaan joe adalah monyet.

Joe’s favorite Baby Bottle Pop flavor is strawberry.

~ joe paling suka Baby Bottle Pop rasa strawberi.

Joe is homeschooled.

~ joe home school.

His favorite musician is Freddie Mercury.

~ joe suka Freddie Mercury (sukaannya bapakku!?)

Joe prefers tea over coffee.

~ joe lebih suka the daripada kopi.

Joe’s favorite cartoon character is Rocko from Rocko’s Modern Life.

~ joe paling suka karakter Rocko dari kartun Rocko’s Modern Life.

Joe’s favorite ice cream topping is hot fudge.

~ taburan eskrim kesukaan joe adalah gula-gula bon bon.

If Joe were to leave the music world today and get a new profession, he would want to be an astronaut.

~ kalau joe harus meninggalkan dunia musik hari ini juga, dia akan mencoba profesi baru sebagai astronot.

Joe’s major influences in music are Johnny Lang, The Strokes, The Hives, and a band called Thirsty Merc.

~ yang paling mempengaruhi aliran musik joe adalah Johnny Lang, The Strokes, The hives dan band Thirsty Merc.

He would like to perform at The Hollywood Bowl and at Giants Stadium.

~ joe pingin tampil di Hollywood Bowl dan Giants Stadium.

Joe would like to tour in England, Australia, and Asia.

~ joe pingin tur ke inggris, Australia dan asia (jangan lupa ke Indonesia ya joe!)

His favorite fast food place is In and Out Burger. He is not a big fan of McDonalds.

~ tempat makan makanan cepat saji joe adalah In and out burger, dia bukan penggemar McDonald.

Joe’s favorite word is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

~ kata-kata favorit joe adalah “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”.( aku belum tau artinya apa!? ,, klo kata favoriteQ “bombardenorgelmitsparkenpumpe” hehehe, panjangan mana???)

If Joe could be any animal in the world, he’d be a fierce lion.

~ kalau joe bisa jadi salah satu hewan didunia, dia pingin jadi singa yang ganas.

If Joe could trade in his brothers for any other celebrities, he’d trade Kevin for Shakira and Nick for Beyonce.

~ kalau joe bisa memisalkan saudaranya seperti selebriti lain, Kevin itu seperti Shakira dan Nick itu Beyonce.

Joe’s horoscope sign is Leo.

~ zodiac joe itu leo.

Joe prefers texting a girl than calling her.

~ joe lebih suka SMS ke cewek daripada nelpon.

Joe is Christian.

~ joe agamanya Kristen.

Faith is very important throughout Joe’s family.

~ yang paling penting bagi joe adalah keluarga.

Out of all the Jonas Brothers, Joe is the biggest ladies man.

~ dari semua anggota Jonas Brother, joe adalah yang paling banyak ama cewek2 .

Joe flirts with girls by giving them hugs and little nudges. And to let a girl know he likes them right away, he compliments her and smiles a lot.

~ joe mencurahkan kasih sayangnya dengan memberikan pelukan dan belaian. Dan agar seorang cewek tau bahwa joe suka dengannya, dia akan memberikan pujian2 dan banyak senyuman.

His favorite board game is Monopoly.

~ joe suka main monopoli.

His favorite holiday is Christmas.

~ joe paling suka libur hari natal.

Joe’s not afraid to let a girl know that he likes her.

~ joe nggak takut untuk membuat seorang cewek tau klo dia suka dengannya.

Joe doesn’t really like coffee, but he does like some drinks at Starbucks. He likes their Strawberries and Creme Frappuccino and the Passion Tea Lemonade.

~ joe nggak seberapa suka kopi, tapi dia kadang-kadanng pergi ke starbucks, dia suka stroberi dan krim capucino juga passion lemontea.

To be funny, when people ask about his purity ring he says that he’s married!

~ untuk bercanda, kalau ada orang yang nanya tentang cincin kesuciannya, dia bilang kalo dia sudah nikah!

Out of his brothers, he is the loudest, messiest, and the laziest.

~ kata saudara-saudaranya, joe adalah yang paling ribut, berantakan dan malas.

He got his tambourine from Guitar Center.

~ joe beli tamborin dari toko gitar.

His acoustic guitar is called the Black Pearl.

~ gitar akustiknya dinamai black pearl.

He once drove the tour bus and almost crashed it.

~ joe pernah sekali mengendarai bis wisata dan hampir menabrakkannya.

Joe has a white video iPod.

~ joe punya iPod video warna putih.

Joe’s most prized possession is his hair.

~ barang paling berharga bagi joe adalah rambutnya.

He loves running, going swimming, and soccer.

~joe suka lari, berenang dan sepak bola.

He uses Right Guard and Old Spice deodorants.

~ joe pakai deodorant Right Guard dan Old Spice.

He is easily scared.

~ joe gampang takut akan sesuatu.

Joe has a Razor(cellphone) and sidekick and his ringtone is “That’s How I Beat Shaq” by Aaron Carter.

~ joe punya handphone Razoe yang merupakan sahabat, ringtonenya “that’s how I beat Shaq” oleh Aaron Carter.

Joe uses a flat-iron and Evada Control Paste in his hair.

~ joe pakai flat-iron dan evada krim control di rambutnya.

Joe listens to Beethoven before going to bed sometimes.

~ kadang joe ngedengerin lagunya Beethoven sebelum tidur. (wah, sama =P)

Joe’s Chinese Horoscope sign is a Snake.

~ shio joe adalah ular.

On YouTube, Joe sometimes poses as DJ Danger.

~ di youtube, kadang joe jadi DJ danger.

Like his brothers Nick and Kevin, Joe wears a purity ring.

~ seperti semua saudaranya, joe memakai cicin kesucian.

The Jonas Brothers’ song “Mandy”, is actually about a ex-girlfriend and best friend of Joe.

~ lagu jonas brother judulnya Mandy, sebenarnya menceritakan tentang teman baik dan mantan pacar joe.

His favorite song is “Only Hope” by Switchfoot.

~ lagu favoritnya joe adalah Only Hope oleh Switchfoot. (I’d like it too.., what a sweet song =P)

Joe’s favorite foods are chicken cutlet sandwich with mayonnaise, snow cones, and his grandma’s homemade pizza.

~ makanan favorit joe adalah sandwich dengan potongan ayam dan mayones, opak salju, dan pizza buatan neneknya.

His favorite TV shows are Boy Meets World, Heroes, Lost, Friends, and Most Extreme Challenge.

~ joe suka acara TV Boy Meets World, Heroes, Lost, Friends, dan Most Extreme Challenge.

Before being in the Jonas Brothers, he was back up vocalists with Kevin.

~ sebelum menjadi jonas brother, joe dan Kevin adalah baking vocal.

His favorite drinks are orange Gatorade, red bull, chocolate milk, and water.

~ minuman favorit joe adalah orange Gatorade, red bull, susu coklat dan air putih.

Along with his brothers, Joe had been part of the church choir.

~ bersama saudaranya, joe pernah jadi anggota paduan suara gereja.

He and the rest of the ‘Jonas Brothers’ are spokespeople for “Baby Bottle Pops”.

~ mereka adalah icon baby bottle pop

His favorite actors are Jim Carrey and Johnny Depp.

~ favorit actor joe adalah Jim carrey dan Johnny depp.

Some of his favorite bands are Switchfoot, Daft Punk and Copeland. He also loves the band, Team Hilario.

His favorite actress is Natalie Portman.

~ beberapa band kesukaan joe adalah switchfoot, daft punk dan Copeland. Dia juga suka band Team Hilario. Aktris terfavorit joe adalah Natalie Portman.

According to his brothers, Joe takes forever in the shower, takes forever to get ready and the asks how he looks about four times.

~ menurut saudaranya, joe adalah yang paling lama mandi, paling lama bersiap dan yang paling sering nanyain ke saudara-saudaranya udah OK gak dia.

His height is 5’9″ tall.

~joe 5 inci 9 cm. (175cm).

Joe has black hair and hazel eyes.

~ joe punya rambut hitam dan mata coklat.

Joe’s favorite ice cream flavor is Chocolate Marshmallow.

~ eskrim kesukaan joe adalah coklat marshmallow.

His favorite movies are The Holiday, Dumb and Dumber, Finding Neverland, School for Scoundrels, Transformers, Liar, Liar, and Four Feathers.

~ film kesukaan joe adalah The Holiday, Dumb and Dumber, Finding Neverland, School for Scoundrels, Transformers, Liar, dan Four Feathers.

His favorite sports are wiffle ball, soccer, baseball, and tennis.

~ olahraga favorit joe adalah wiffle ball, sepak bola, baseball, dan tennis.

Joe once dated Amanda Michalka. They met while the Jonas Brothers were on tour with Aly and AJ. The reason for their breakup was because of the distance between them.

~ joe pernah satu kali mengencani Amanda Michalka. Mereka bertemu saat jonas brother tur bersama Aly dan AJ. Mereka putus karena jarak yang terbentang antara mereka berdua.

His mom’s name is Denise Jonas and his dad’s name is Paul Kevin Jonas Sr.

~ ibunya bernama Denise, sedang ayahnya Paul Kevin Jonas.

When Joe was younger, he was very attached to his Barney Bank. And once his mom decided to get rid of it so she gave it to her friend to throw away, but Joe caught her and was like “Why do you have my Barney?”.

~ ketika joe masih kecil, joe gak bias lepas sama celengan barney-nya, suatu hari, ibunya joe memutuskan untuk memisahkan joe dan celengannya, ia menyuruh temennya untuk membuangnya, tapi joe tau dan bilang “kenapa ngambil barneyku?”

(Wah, barney kan kadal raksasa yang seram =P)

Joe plays the keyboard, guitar, piano, and percussion (tambourine).

~ joe bisa main keyboard, gitar, piano dan tamborin.

Some of Joe’s hobbies include jogging, working out and making movies.

~ yang termasuk hobi joe adalah lari pagi, kerja keluar, dan membuat film.

His favorite color is blue.

~ warna kesukaan joe adalah biru.

Joe is in a band called the Jonas Brothers with two of his brothers.

~ joe satu band dengan kedua saudaranya di Jonas Brother.

Joe’s bad habit is biting his nails.

~ kebiasaan buruk joe adalah menggigiti kukunya.

Joe’s favorite subject is math.

~ pelajaran favorit joe adalah matematika.

His favorite candy is Twix, Godiva chocolate, and Tootsie Rolls.

~ permen favorit joe adalah Twix, coklat Godiva, dan Tootsie rolls.


Joe: I wish a girl would blindfold me and take me to Disneyland.

Aku mendambakan gadis yang bisa membuatku cinta buta dan membawaku ke Disneyland.

Joe: I wanna record a song with Michael Jackson, but I want a wall between us.

Aku pingin rekaman bareng Michael Jackson, tapi tetap ada batas antar


Joe: (replying to a fan that asked him why he was so cute) I dont know. I ask myself that all the time.

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan fans yang “kenapa joe bisa begitu imut?” aku nggak tau. Aku terus bertanya pada diriku sendiri setiap waktu.

Joe: (On what super power he would like to have) I would probably want to be able to shoot spaghetti out of my fingers.

Kamu pingin punya kekuatan super apa? Aku mau kekuatan super yang bisa mengeluarkan spageti dari ujung2 jariku.

Joe: I’ll start a rumor! I have a very big crush on Emma Watson. So big! I haven’t actually seen one of [the Harry Potter movies]. I’m going to start. She’s like wow, ridiculous.

Aku akan memulai kabar burung, gossip. Aku naksir berat sama emma Watson. Sangat naksir!!! Tapi sebenernya aku nggak pernah liat harry potter sekalipun. Aku akan mulai liat nanti. Dia seperti…wow…konyol.

Joe: My hidden talent is…I can make pancakes appear!

Bakat terpendamku adalah….aku bisa memunculkan pancake! 😀

Joe: (about signing autographs) When I’m signing ‘Joe Jonas’, it’s like, Whoa, wow, cool.

Tentang menyanyi. Ketika aku masuk, dan dipanggil,’joe jonas’ .itu seperti wah,waw, keren!

Joe: I heard that I was dating all of the swimsuit models in the world at the same time.

Aku berharap bisa mengencani semua model pakaian renang didunia dalam waktu bersamaan.

Joe: “I Love You” isn’t something to say to quickly. Its not just a word, though a lot of guys will just throw it out there. Being in love is when things are going so well that happiness is beyond belief. You’re 200 percent happy and excited. —>umhh..dat’s too phylosophic…

‘Aku cinta kamu’ bukanlah sesuatu yang bisa dikatakan dengan begitu saja. Itu bukan hanya sekedar kata, walaupun banyak cowok yang mengucapkannya begitu saja. Mencintai adalah ketika semuanya berjalan dengan baik dan kebahagiaan juga saling percaya. Dan kalian 200% bahagia dan sangat senang.

Joe: Best friends don’t date each other’s ex girlfriend’s. That’s just how it rolls. Its the guy code.

Teman yang baik tidak akan mengencani bekas pacar lainnya, itu sudah peraturan, itu aturan cowok.

Joe: (talking about his many fans that would like to marry him) Its a little scary thinking about thousands of girlfriends and wives, but its nice.

Tentang begitu banyaknya fans yang ingin menikahi joe. Itu cukup menakutkan, untuk membayangkan ratusan pacar dan istri, tapi itu asik.

Joe: Watch me do a flip.
(flips over on a couch falls on floor)
Joe:Oh crap.

Joe: liat aku melakukan flip (melompat diudara dengan membalik badan)

(flips berakhir dengan jatuh terlentang di lantai)

Joe: oh payah.

Joe: (on what he wishes girls knew about guys) We’re being nice when we compliment you.
Harapan joe agar cewek tau tentang cowok. Kita akan bersikap sangat baik ketika kita mengagumimu.

Joe: (After getting his driver’s license) Now everyone has to stay off the roads!
Setelah dapat SIM. Sekarang semua orang harus menjauh dari jalanan!

Joe: I’ve loved Baby Bottle Pops from the very beginning. Ever since they came out, I’ve always thought that they ruled. They’re awesome!

Aku suka Baby Bottle Pops dari sangat dulu. Sejak pertama kali mereka muncul, aku selalu memikirkan tentang mereka, mereka mengagumkan!

Joe: I like girls with the same personality. —> I’ve got the same personality!!!! YAY!!!!!

Aku suka cewek yang mirip aku.

Joe: I would invent ice cream that never melts. —> I’ve always wanted someone to do that. He’d be my hero…if he wasn’t already =) hahaha !!
Aku akan menciptakan eskrim yang tidak pernah meleleh.

Joe: (talking about an extreme sport he’d like to try) I would do extreme acting. It’s a new thing I’m making up. It’s like SAD FACE…. HAPPY FACE.

Tentang olahraga yang pengen dia coba. Aku pingin nyoba ekstrim acting. Ini adalah hal baru yang aku buat. Itu seperti WAJAH SEDIH….WAJAH GEMBIRA.

Joe: (talking about his most embarrassing moment) One time I had a hole in my pants like the entire show and I didn’t realize until like after the meet and greet and I got back and I sit down and I’m like OH MANN.

Berbicara tentang moment paling memalukannya. Suatu ketika aku punya lubang di celanaku sewaktu memasuki panggung acara, dan aku sama sekali tidak menyadarinya sampai saat jumpa fans dan aku pulang lalu aku duduk dan YA’ AMPUNN.

Joe: Someone once said that I like girls who wear cookie dough-flavored lip gloss. I’ve never kissed a girl who’s worn this flavor. If I ever do, I’ll let you know if I like it or not. —> I’m gonna start wearing that =))

Joe: seseorang pernah berkata aku suka gadis yang memakai lipgloss aroma kue. Aku nggak pernah mencium gadis yang memakai aroma itu. Kalopun aku pernah aku akan bilang aku suka atau nggaknya.

Joe: The president likes my shoes. His wife was talking, and he leans over and goes.

Joe: I wouldn’t hug a girl like I would hug my brother. Sometimes I’ll hug for a really long time. I’ll be like, “Let’s just hug.”

Aku nggak akan memeluk cewek seperti aku memeluk saudara-saudaraku. Kadang aku akan memeluk untuk waktu yang sangat lama. Aku cuman seperti “ peluk aja.”

Joe: My ex-girlfriend sent me a piece of her birthday cake in the mail and it was an ice cream cake. That’s when I knew it was kind of over. I opened the box and it was melted and dripping in my hands. I was like, “Wow!” And then I told her I got it, and she was like, “Oh, did you eat it?” I was like, “Ummm, no…it’ melted!”

Mantan pacarku mengirimiku sepotong kue ulang tahunnya lewat paket, dan ini adalah kue eskrim.aku tahu ini tindakan yang berlebihan. Aku membuka kotaknya dan kuenya telah leleh dan mengucur ke tanganku. Dan wow! Lalu aku bilang kalau aku telah mendapatkannya, dan dia bilang sudah kamu makan? Umhh nggak, kuenya leleh!

Joe: One of my favorite pick-up lines is, “You’re like my library card ’cause I’m checkin’ you out!”

Joe: I was broken up with on Valentine’s Day

Aku sakit hati dihari valentine.

Joe: I asked Tim McGraw if I could marry his wife. He said no.

Aku bertanya pada Tim McGraw kalau aku bisa menikahi istrinya. Dia bilang tidak.

Joe: In kindergarten, I didn’t know what to say to the girl I liked, so I blurted out, “I like your red marker.’ It was dumb.

Di masa kecil, aku nggak tau bagaimana caranya untu mengucapkan sesuatu pada gadis yang aku sukai, jadi aku asal ngomong, “aku suka nilai merahmu’. Dan itu hal yang bodoh. (muji apa ngejek e?)

Joe: Guys just want to kiss you, not your makeup, so too much lip gloss is not good idea! Kisses are perfect in front of a sunset. And I think it’s better to be alone if it’s your first kiss in a new relationship. Everyone else doesn’t need to see it.

Cowok hanya ingin menciummu, bukan makeupmu, jasi terlalu banyak pelembab bibir bukan ide yang baik! Ciuman yang sempurna adalah ciuman didepan matahari terbenam. Dam kupikir akan lebih baik berduaan saja pada ciuman pertamamu di pacaran. Siapapun nggak perlu melihatnya.

Joe: I had an imaginary friend. His name was Joe, and he’d always get me in trouble.

Aku punya teman khayalan, namanya Joe, dan dia selalu membuatku dalam masalah.

Joe: I went to see a movie with this girl once, and this creepy old lady was following us everywhere we went. I don’t think she was a fan or anything, but it freaked me out!

Aku pernah pergi nonton film dengan cewek sekali, dan ada wanita tua yang muncul secara tiba-tiba dan pelan-pelan, marangkak terus mengikuti langkah kami kemanapun kami pergi. Aku nggak pernah berpikir kalau dia itu penggemar atau apapun, tapi ia membuatku ketakutan!

Joe: (When asked if he and his brothers really get along) Yeah, we do. We only fist fight twice a day.

Joe: (ketika ditanyai tentang hubungan dengan saudaranya yang sendiri2) iya, kita emang sendiri2 bgt, kita paling cumin berkelahi tinju2-an 2 kali sehari

Joe: I definitely want a hippopotamus for Hanukkah.

Aku pingin punya kuda nil untuk Hanukkah (upacara umat yahudi).

Joe: Kevin [Jonas] has a Starbucks radar in his head. We’ll be on the road, and he’ll be like, “Two miles-Starbucks.” He can smell it…and every time he’s right! —> Dude, I wish I could do that.

Kevin punya radar starbucks di kepalanya, kalau sedang dijalan, dia akan bilang” 2 mil lagi ada starbucks.” Dia dapat menciumnya…dan setiap saat dia benar!.

Joe: I’ve dated a couple girls I never met before!
Aku pernah mengencani sepasang gadis yang aku belum pernah bertemu sebelumnya.

Joe:(about his brother, Nick) Nick’s a stud muffin.

Joe: (tentang nick) nick adalah kue muffin stud
(kue yang adonanya tipis2, isinya apel, keju, yg digulung n dipanggang).

Joe:(on what he looks for in a girl) Someone was like, you like different voices don’t you. I was like yeah. I also like accents.

Joe: (tentang apa yang dicarinya dari seorang cewek) seseorang yang memiliki suara khas yang berbeda, aku suka, aku juga suka aksen.

Joe: Every studio needs a rubber chicken.

Joe: setiap studio perlu ada ayam karet? (opo yo rubber chicken, aku ra ngerti je =P)

Joe: The first thing I notice on my crush are her eyes, I’m an eyes guy. —> ME TOO!!!! Well, eyes girl. I’m a girl. But close enough. =)

Joe: hal pertama yang aku liat , yang bikin aku naksir ama cewek adalah matanya.

Joe: The sweetest thing is singing to your crush over the phone.

Joe: hal yang paling romantis adalah menyanyi untuk orang yang kau sukai lewat telpon.

Ya, that’s a lot of quotes. But they all made me laugh!!! He’s a funny guy, doncha know!!! =))

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What you choose to brand is motivated by what you give and if your name is critical for people today to recognize. So we aren’t able to let you know precisely what to brand basically since we do not know. The 3 most substantial social media and marketing sites are Facebook, Youtube as well as Twitter. Generally, each and every 1 should be approached in various methods and with diverse media, which include video at Youtube. One tactic that will be highly efficient at all 3 is to expertise a enjoyable factor in your marketing. One point about entertainment is everyone desires it, and you could also set-off a viral marketing result making use of that approach.|Social networking need to right away mean communicating together with your market prospects. You may use that to your benefit in numerous wise methods, and this means leveraging your opportunities. Consider the potential if you actively communicate along with your target audience, for example, having the capacity to hear what they are thinking. Another thing that may possibly come to mind is industry investigation along with a fresh way of performing it. You can perform a unique and better sort of consumer service at these web-sites, furthermore. Consider how much they will like the truth that they’re able to get in touch with you directly there about their purchases from you. We all know just how much consumer support is usually poor, so you are able to turn that notion about together with your organization.|Market analysis is necessary for any business, and it is possible to tap into a brand new technique of doing that. The important reason why for this really is the men and girls in all markets speak to each other at these varieties of social web-sites. The individuals in your industry are going to be involved in actual considerations about what exactly is significant. So then just visualize if they’re referring to their several experiences with obtaining something. Other persons will speak about their difficulties and what possibly helped or didn’t assist them. All you truly have to do is show-up, and subsequent be in a terrific position to hear what is going on. You will discover many rewards to carrying out this, not the pretty least of which is locating out how they speak. Whenever you use comparable words and expressions as your marketplace, then your own marketing communications will have a greater impact.|The fascinating aspect about Twitter is that so many little organizations are far more or much less not positive how you can properly use it. But considering that, each and every enterprise and individual on-line marketer approaches their marketing from specific perspectives. Everything any individual does in their small business takes place for incredibly an excellent reason, even if it is not helpful. We feel plenty of net marketers approach Twitter the incorrect way, based on false or unreliable info, but that situation could be fixed. For those who recognize what is occurring and how to be efficient, then you could be in a fantastic position for terrific exposure for your business. But you have to also recognize that the Twitter atmosphere could be potentially damaging based on how you approach it. It’s very basic to create business enterprise errors that can seriously tarnish your standing with the Twitter community, or your followers.|The biggest important element to Twitter achievement is knowing tips on how to create relationships and be inclined to do it. It can be doable to get to know individuals who aren’t in your market in the event you desire. Nevertheless should you be there for enterprise, then you’ll want to network with those individuals who’re within your business enterprise marketplace. Maybe the most crucial thing you could do is just sort of be regular with other persons. One with the important rules is to maintain the conversation clean, depending on your marketplace, and subsequently for one of the most part discuss typical life. It all boils down to your certain market, but a lot of the time restrict your discussions so they don’t offend your market. 1 rule is in no way expose an excessive amount of about your personal life since a great deal of people today don’t essentially want to discover.|The greatest hazard for any organization is promoting, or advertising, their organization too much. {1 with the worst kind of things you’ll be able to do is advertise an excessive amount of, and you will require to get a sense for what is an excessive amount of.|There’s some flexibility with this that you will will need to discover on your personal, but going overboard {with

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