Kumpulan Artikel UNIK Tentang Sejarah Republik Indonesia

Di bawah ini ada artikel yang menarik yang saya ambil dari blog seseorang, semoga bisa bermanfaat dan menambah wawasan tentang sejarah detik2 kemerdekaan RI, yang sebagian orang tdk tahu bagaimana keadaaan saat itu.

Mungkinkah Revolusi Kemerdekaan Indonesia disebut sebagai revolusi dari

kamar tidur? Coba simak ceritanya. Pada 17 Agustus 1945 pukul 08.00,

ternyata Bung Karno masih tidur nyenyak di kamarnya, di Jalan

Pegangsaan Timur 56, Cikini. Dia terkena gejala malaria tertiana. Suhu

badannya tinggi dan sangat lelah setelah begadang bersama para

sahabatnya menyusun konsep naskah proklamasi di rumah Laksamana Maeda.

“Pating greges”, keluh Bung Karno setelah dibangunkan dokter kesayangannya. Kemudian darahnya dialiri chinineurethan intramusculair dan menenggak pil brom chinine. Lalu ia tidur lagi. Pukul 09.00, Bung Karno

terbangun. Berpakaian rapi putih-putih dan menemui sahabatnya, Bung

Hatta. Tepat pukul 10.00, keduanya memproklamasikan kemerdekaan

Indonesia dari serambi rumah.

“Demikianlah Saudara-saudara! Kita

sekalian telah merdeka!”, ujar Bung Karno di hadapan segelintir

patriot-patriot sejati. Mereka lalu menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan sambil

mengibarkan bendera pusaka Merah Putih. Setelah upacara yang singkat

itu, Bungk Karno kembali ke kamar tidurnya. Masih meriang. Tapi sebuah

revolusi telah dimulai…


Upacara Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia ternyata berlangsung tanpa protokol, tak ada korps musik, tak ada konduktor dan tak ada pancaragam. Tiang bendera pun dibuat dari batang bambu secara kasar, serta ditanam hanya beberapa menit menjelang upacara. Tetapi itulah, kenyataan yang yang terjadi pada sebuah upacara sekaral yang dinanti-nanti selama lebih dari tiga ratus tahun!


Setelah merdeka 43 tahun, Indonesia baru memiliki seorang menteri pertama yang benar-benar “orang Indonesia asli”. Karena semua menteri sebelumnya lahir sebelum 17 Agustus 1945. Itu berarti, mereka pernah menjadi warga Hindia Belanda dan atau pendudukan Jepang, sebab negara hukum Republik indonesia memang belum ada saat itu.

“Orang Indonesia asli” pertama yang menjadi menteri adalah Ir Akbar Tanjung (lahir di Sibolga, Sumatera Utara, 30 Agustus 1945), sebagai Menteri Negara Pemuda dan Olah Raga pada Kabinet Pembangunan V (1988-1993).


Menurut Proklamasi 17 Agustus 1945, Kalimantan adalah bagian integral wilayah hukum Indonesia. Kenyataannya, pulau tersebut paling unik di dunia. Di pulau tersebut, ada 3 kepala negara yang memerintah! Presiden Soeharto (memerintah 4 wilayah provinsi), PM Mahathir Mohamad (Sabah dan Serawak) serta Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah (Brunei).


Hubungan antara revolusi Indonesia dan Hollywood, memang dekat. Setiap 1 Juni, selalu diperingati sebagai Hari Lahir Pancasila semasa Presiden Soekarno. Pada 1956, peristiwa tersebut “hampir secara kebetulan” dirayakan di sebuah hotel Hollywood.

Bung Karno saat itu mengundang aktris legendaris, Marylin Monroe, untuksebuah makan malam di Hotel Beverly Hills, Hollywood. Hadir di antaranya Gregory Peck, George Murphy dan Ronald Reagan (25 tahun kemudian menjadi Presiden AS). Yang unik dari pesta menjelang Hari Lahir Pancasila itu, adalah kebodohan Marilyn dalam hal protokol. Pada pesta itu, Maryln menyapa Bung Karno bukan dengan “Mr President” atau “Your Excellency”, tetapi dengan “Prince Soekarno!”


Ada lagi hubungan erat antara 17 Agustus dan Hollywood. Judul pidato 17Agustus 1964, “Tahun Vivere Perilocoso” (Tahun yang Penuh Bahaya),telah dijadikan judul sebuah film The Year of Living Dangerously. Film tersebut menceritakan pegalaman seorang wartawan asing di Indonesia pada 1960-an. Pada 1984, film yang dibintangi Mel Gibson itu mendapat Oscar untuk kategori film asing!


Naskah asli teks Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia yang ditulis tangan oleh Bung Karno dan didikte oleh Bung Hatta, ternyata tidak pernah dimiliki dan disimpan oleh Pemerintah! Anehnya, naskah historis tersebut justru disimpan dengan baik oleh wartawan BM Diah. Diah menemukan draft proklamasi itu di keranjang sampah di rumah Laksamana Maeda, 17 Agustus 1945 dini hari, setelah disalin dan diketik oleh Sajuti Melik. Pada 29 Mei 1992, Diah menyerahkan draft tersebut kepada Presiden Soeharto, setelah menyimpannya selama 46 tahun 9 bulan 19 hari.


Ketika tiba di Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa 9 Juli 1942 siang bolong, Bung Karno mengeluarkan komentar pertama yang janggal didengar. Setelah menjalani pengasingan dan pembuangan oleh Belanda di luar Jawa, Bung Karno justru tidak membicarakan strategis perjuangan menentang penjajahan. Masalah yang dibicarakannya, hanya tentang sepotong jas!

“Potongan jasmu bagus sekali!” komentar Bung Karno pertama kali tentang jas double breast yang dipakai oleh bekas iparnya, Anwar Tjikoroaminoto, yang menjemputnya bersama Bung Hatta dan segelintir tokoh nasionalis.


Rasa-rasanya di dunia ini, hanya the founding fathers Indonesia yang pernah mandi air seni. Saat pulang dari Dalat (Cipanasnya Saigon), Vietnam, 13 Agustus 1945, Soekarno bersama Bung Hatta, dr Radjiman Wedyodiningrat dan dr Soeharto (dokter pribadi Bung Karno) menumpang pesawat fighter bomber bermotor ganda. Dalam perjalanan, Soekarno ingin sekali buang air kecil, tetapi tak ada tempat. Setelah dipikir, dicari jalan keluarnya untuk hasrat yang tak tertahan itu. Melihat lubang-lubang kecil di dinding pesawat, di situlah Bung Karno melepaskan hajat kecilnya. Karena angin begitu kencang sekali, bersemburlah air seni itu dan membasahi semua penumpang. Byuuur…


Berkat kebohongan, peristiwa sakral Proklamasi 17 Agustus 1945 dapat didokumentasikan dan disaksikan oleh kita hingga kini. Saat tentara Jepang ingin merampas negatif foto yang mengabadikan peristiwa penting tersebut, Frans Mendoer, fotografer yang merekam detik-detik proklamasi, berbohong kepada mereka. Dia bilang tak punya negatif itu dan sudah diserahkan kepada Barisan Pelopor, sebuah gerakan perjuangan. Mendengar jawaban itu, Jepang pun marah besar. Padahal negatif film itu ditanam di bawah sebuah pohon di halaman Kantor harian Asia Raja.

Setelah Jepang pergi, negatif itu diafdruk dan dipublikasi secara luas hingga bisa dinikmati sampai sekarang. Bagaimana kalau Mendoer bersikap jujur pada Jepang?


Kali ini, Bung Hatta yang berbohong demi proklamasi. Waktu masa revolusi, Bung Karno memerintahkan Bung Hatta untuk meminta bantuan senjata kepada Jawaharlal Nehru. Cara untuk pergi ke India pun dilakukan secara rahasia. Bung Hatta memakai paspor dengan nama “Abdullah, co-pilot”. Lalu beliau berangkat dengan pesawat yang dikemudikan Biju Patnaik, seorang industrialis yang kemudian menjadi menteri pada kabinet PM Morarji Desai. Bung Hatta diperlakukan sangat hormat oleh Nehru dan diajak bertemu Mahatma Gandhi. Nehru adalah kawan lama Hatta sejak 1920-an dan Gandhi mengetahui perjuangan Hatta. Setelah pertemuan, Gandhi diberi tahu oleh Nehru bahwa “Abdullah” itu adalah Mohammad hatta. Apa reaksi Gandhi? Dia marah besar kepada Nehru, karena tidak diberi tahu yang sebenarnya. “You are a liar !” ujar tokoh kharismatik itu kepada Nehru


Bila 17 Agustus menjadi tanggal kelahiran Indonesia, justru tanggal tersebut menjadi tanggal kematian bagi pencetus pilar Indonesia. Pada tanggal itu, pencipta lagu kebangsaan “Indonesia Raya”, WR Soepratman (wafat 1937) dan pencetus ilmu bahasa Indonesia, Herman Neubronner van der Tuuk (wafat 1894) meninggal dunia.


Bendera Merah Putih dan perayaan tujuh belasan bukanlah monopoli Indonesia. Corak benderanya sama dengan corak bendera Kerajaan Monaco dan hari kemerdekaannya sama dengan hari proklamasi Republik Gabon (sebuah negara di Afrika Barat) yang merdeka 17 Agustus 1960.


Jakarta, tempat diproklamasikannya kemerdekaan Indonesia dan kota tempat Bung Karno dan Bung Hatta berjuang, tidak memberi imbalan yang cukup untuk mengenang co-proklamator Indonesia. Sampai detik ini, tidak ada “Jalan Soekarno-Hatta” di ibu kota Jakarta. Bahkan, nama mereka tidak pernah diabadikan untuk sebuah objek bangunan fasilitas umum apa pun sampai 1985, ketika sebuah bandara diresmikan dengan memakai nama mereka.


Gelar Proklamator untuk Bung Karno dan Bung Hatta, hanyalah gelar lisan yang diberikan rakyat Indonesia kepadanya selama 41 tahun! Sebab, baru 1986 Permerintah memberikan gelar proklamator secara resmi kepada mereka.


Kalau saja usul Bung Hatta diterima, tentu Indonesia punya “lebih dari dua” proklamator. Saat setelah konsep naskah Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia rampung disusun di rumah Laksamana Maeda, Jl Imam Bonjol no 1, Jakarta, Bung Hatta mengusulkan semua yang hadir saat rapat din hari itu ikut menandatangani teks proklamasi yang akan dibacakan pagi harinya. Tetapi usul ditolak oleh Soekarni, seorang pemuda yang hadir. Rapat itu dihadiri Soekarno, Hatta dan calon proklamator yang gagal : Achmad Soebardjo, Soekarni dan Sajuti Melik. “Huh, diberi kesempatan membuat sejarah tidak mau”, gerutu Bung Hatta karena usulnya ditolak.


Perjuangan frontal melawan Belanda, ternyata tidak hanya menelan korban rakyat biasa, tetapi juga seorang menteri kabinet RI. Soepeno, Menteri Pembangunan dan Pemuda dalam Kabinet Hatta, merupakan satu-satunya menteri yang tewas ditembak Belanda. Sebuah ujung revolver, dimasukkan ke dalam mulutnya dan diledakkan secara keji oleh seorang tentara Belanda. Pelipis kirinya tembus kena peluru. Kejadian tersebut terjadi pada 24 Februari 1949 pagi di sebuah tempat di Kabupaten Nganjuk , Jawa Timur. Saat itu, Soepeno dan ajudannya sedang mandi sebuah pancuran air terjun.


Belum ada negara di dunia yang memiliki ibu kota sampai tiga dalam kurun waktu relatif singkat. Antara 1945 dan 1948, Indonesia mempunyai 3 ibu kota, yakni Jakarta (1945-1946), Yogyakarta (1946-1948) dan Bukittinggi (1948-1949).


Panglima Besar Tentara Nasional Indonesia Jenderal Soedirman, pada kenyatannya tidak pernah menduduki jabatan resmi di kabinet RI. Beliau tidak pernah menjadi KSAD, Pangab, bahkan menteri pertahanan sekalipun!


Wayang ternyata memiliki simbol pembawa sial bagi rezim yang memerintah Indonesia. Betapa tidak, pada 1938-1939, Pemerintah Hindia Belanda melalui De Javasche Bank menerbitkan uang kertas seri wayang orang dan pada 1942, Hindia Belanda runtuh dikalahkan Jepang. Pada 1943, Pemerintah Pendudukan Jepang menerbitkan uang kertas seri wayang Arjuna dan Gatotkoco dan 1945, Jepang terusir dari Indonesia oleh pihak Sekutu. Pada 1964, Presiden Soekarno mengeluarkan uang kertas baru seri wayang dengan pecahan Rp 1 dan Rp 2,5 dan 1965 menjadi awal keruntuhan pemerintahannya menyusul peristiwa G30S/PKI.


Perintah pertama Presiden Soekarno saat dipilih sebagai presiden pertama RI, bukanlah membentuk sebuah kabinet atau menandatangani sebuah dekret, melainkan memanggil tukang sate !!! Itu dilakukannya dalam perjalanan pulang, setelah terpilih secara aklamasi sebagai presiden. Kebetulan di jalan bertemu seorang tukang sate bertelanjang dada dan nyeker (tidak memakai alas kaki). “Sate ayam lima puluh tusuk!”, perintah Presiden Soekarno. Disantapnya sate dengan lahap dekat sebuah selokan yang kotor. Dan itulah, perintah pertama pada rakyatnya sekaligus pesta pertama atas pengangkatannya sebagai pemimpin dari 70 juta jiwa lebih rakyat dari sebuah negara besar yang baru berusia satu hari.


Kita sudah mengetahui, hubungan antara Bung Karno dan Belanda tidaklah mesra. Tetapi Belanda pernah memberikan kenangan yang tak akan pernah dilupakan oleh Bun Karno. Enam hari menjelang Natal 1948, Belanda memberikan hadiah Natal di Minggu pagi, saat orang ingin pergi ke gereja, berupa bom yang menghancurkan atap dapurnya. Hari itu, 19 Desember 1948, ibu kota Yogyakarta jatuh ke tangan Belanda.


Sutan Sjahrir, mantan Perdana Menteri RI pertama, menjadi orang Indonesia yang memiliki prestasi “luar biasa” dan tidak akan pernah ada yang menandinginya. Waktu beliau wafat 1966 di Zurich, Swiss, statusnya sebagai tahanan politik. Tetapi waktu dimakamkan di Jakarta beberapa hari kemudian, statusnya berubah sebagai Pahlawan Nasional Indonesia.


kita dijajah 350 tahun oleh belanda (VOC dan Kerajaan belanda) …1942

kita dijajah 3.5 tahun oleh jepang …1945

kita dijajah 3.5 tahun agresi2 sekutu …1949

Kita dijajah 3.5 tahun lagi dengan perjanjian int’l….1952

kita dijajah 13.5 tahun dengan pemberontakan2…..1965

kita dijajah 33.5 tahun oleh kapitalisme dan korupsi….1998

kita dijajah 3.5 tahun oleh kebebasan tanpa batas…2001

kita dijajah …… oleh ……..? ………xxxx

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Where online can an accredited psyciatrist post articles (or blogs) for them to become popular? I am asking for my mother. She doesn’t necessarily want to make money off them, her purpose is to use her blog (once popular) and use it as references to possibly help her get a newspaper article. She has a title for one called “Answers to Life’s Problems”. Where can she post blogs and they become popular? She posted it already on WordPress but there are 3 million people posting blogs hers gets lost in the mix. Any suggestions?. What is the best software to design websites and blogs? I am very new to web design as I have no prior experience and know little HTML.. I just want to know what the best software is to purchase to design blogs. I have downloaded CS5 Design Premium with Dreamweaver and Photoshop, but I realize this is a little advanced for me and expensive!!!. Does anyone have suggestions of software or ways to build blogs and websites easily and inexpensive?. . THANKS!. How do I know if my blogs are being seen by others? I have been a yahoo users for some years now. I am only starting to make use of the tools which they provide, one of which being blog posts. I have written a blog and would like to know if my blog posts are being seen by others. If not then does anyone know how I get my blogs posts read.. What are some good sites and blogs for affordable fashion for adults? I’m looking for clothing and style ideas at a reasonable prices for a woman over 25.. . Anyone know any good sites or blogs?. . Seems like everything I find is either geared toward teens or is insanely expensive couture.. . Thanks!. What are some really good poetry blogs or websites to post journal entries? Are there any good poetry sites that you know of so that I can have an account that has lots of space to type out stories/poems on? Or do you know of any writing sites at all that I could post blogs on, sort of like having a whole website to myself?. I have three blogs on tumblr under the same email address. How do I delete one of those blogs without deleting the other two?. Preferably, I’d like someone to answer whom has encountered this problem before and solved it without deleting their other blogs.. Thanks!. What is your opinion of personal blogs and online journaling? My friend and I have been discussing personal blogs and online journaling. She feels that personal feelings and such should not expressed in such open forums. I see no problem with it. Share your thoughts:. 1. Do you blog or journal?. 2. Do you prefer face to face expression of feelings over written communication?. How do I hide my extended network & blogs, without leaving a huge white gap down the bottom? Every code I try either leaves a massive gap at the top of the page, or at the bottom of the page. Its definitely that code causing it.. I’ve tried so many codes trying to hide the blogs & extended network, but they all leave a white gap either at the top or at the bottom.. Anyone got one that doesnt cause the white gap? Or how to remove the white gap?. What is the best application for posting blogs or articles to my website? I’d like to be able to tag blogs I like and have them show on my website. Any suggestions on the best route to take on this. Any input would be helpful.. I have seen a lot of blogs in blogspot. What purpose do they serve? Is it possible to make money through blogs. If yes how?. How does one make money from blogs? How does one go about it or start it? Just how does one make money from blogs? How does one start it or go about it? Is there a specific way to do it? Just how does one make money from blogs in the first place? Where does one get started in this? Do you have to advertise and use your credit card? Are there any certain kinds of rules you have to follow? Do you have to set the blog up yourself or are there ones that help you set up it up? How do you get advertisers on your blog? Are people limited to the number of blogs online? How often do you get paid?. . Thanks for the help!. I am planning to move to Australia permanently. Hopefully, my immigration process will be completed this year and I will move in the beginning of 2011. Can someone suggest some excellent resources and blogs about making the plans for settling in Australia?. What blogs do you read for information on the candidates? Since the MSM is totally skewed, what blogs/websites have you found that give you information that the MSM ignores?. I’m wanting to look at blogs containing music I like, but sifting through all the detached, outdated and crap blogs is a hassle. . I know there are thousands of blogs, is there a good resource to seek out the preferred ones?. What is a good free blogging website that I can respond to blogs and others will respond to me? I want to start a blog where I can talk to people and have them respond to my blogs. Not myspace or facebook. I tried blogger but the only blogs I could find were about global warming and guns. I want some where that I can open an account and say what I feel and people respond to my blogs and I can respond to theres. If anyone could help me that would be great!. Is it true that blogs are just forum discussions with rss that would enable the user to watch what they wanted to watch more convieniently? Is that all the differences?. I need to know how to view my posts or comments on other peoples blogs. Is there anywhere I could go to get a list of all my posts? . . Any help appreciated.. What are some of the most popular/best blogs about cell phones and wireless tech? I’m trying to find out what the most popular blogs are when it comes to news and views and cell phone stuff.. Can my blogs be seen by others even if I do not buy a domain name? Someone said that you had to buy a domain, or your blogs weren’t seen by everybody, is that true? Do you know what a domain is? IF not do not answer please.. Where can I find legitimate blogs that are focused on or at least delve seriously into penis enlargement? I’ve been looking for blogs where blogger covers penis enlargement or at least delves into the topic of penis enlargement with an independent and serious voice. What are the leading blogs of this type?. I want to start my own blog: are there such thing as blogs that are totally “open”, and anybody can view it? I keep coming to the kind where you have to add other “friends” to use the site. . Links appreciated. Thanks!. What is the easiest way to copy my WordPress blogs to a new hosting company? I am changing hosting companies and would like to move my WordPress Blogs over. Does anyone know of an easy way to accomplish this?. I’m interested in making my own music blog and I’m constantly looking through many music blogs throughout the day finding new music first before other people that I know. But how exactly do those blogs find that music first? Can I really start by just posting the music I find on other blogs?. There are thousands of blogs that requires comments on them. What is the intention of blog comments? There are thousands of blogs that requires comments on them. What is the intention of blog comments?. If somebody like Julia Roberts or Natalie Portman had a personal blog where they posted pictures of their vacations or something, would you still take them seriously as actors? Do you think celebrities with personal blogs are less credible and taken less seriously than those who don’t? Furthermore, would you visit their blogs to see what they are up to?. I love reading personal blogs, Mommy blogs, etc. . . What is the best way to find these types of blogs online? The best method I have is just following favorites people have – going to one bloggers “favorites” then the next bloggers favorites, and so forth.. . I’ve tried Google Blogsearch but all that gives me is old news articles, etc. Nothing personal at all.. . How do you search for personal blogs?. How could I write blogs or articles and get paid for it? I’m a teenager and I heard that you can actually get paid for things like this. I’m experienced with computers and have good literature skills and I’m sure I can write successful blogs/articles.. . On a different (sort of) topic, would I be able to join affiliate programs?. How do i add third party widgets to free wordpress blogs ? Hi, i have a free wordpress blog. I have added the widgets that come in the widget section. But how do i add widgets that are from third parties such as clustrmaps? If free wordpress blogs don’t allow that, which free blog service allows that ? . I’m finding them for my sister. I’m trying to find the most recipes with pictures and the ages of baby for the recipes. Blogs are usually where I would expect to find them.. Am i legally responsible for content on my blogs & forums that others have written? I keep several blogs & forums and allow people to write their comments on them. I check regularly and remove any swear words, etc. I also ask commentors not to leave any derogatory terms on the blogs/forums.. However, that said, am i still legally responsible for the content on my blog/forums if they write a defamatory comment or abusive comments?. Many thanks.. What are the most popular blog sites in the Philippines where I can submit my blogs for others to read? Just want to share something. I need to submit my blogs to blog sites with so many people reading blogs. That’s what I need most.. I currently am running two blogs, one is for design & development and I have a pagerank of 4 on it and I have loads of good articles. . And I have another blog where I have rants, health tips and photography.. . Should I merge them or should I keep it seperate?. What is the easiest way to get updates from my subscribed blogs? I am new to blog subscriptions and I am looking for an easy reader that is nice and organized that lets me view my blogs from my homepage or has a little scrollbox that is always up on the side of the computer screen. I started to use bloglines but it is really unorganized with all the blog names lined up on the side. Thanks a lot!. What Is The Best Way To Import MySpace Blogs To Facebook? I like Facebook, but I hate that their notes section isn’t as appealing as MySpace’s blogs. I’ve recently transferred a blog from MySpace to Facebook using the “share” icon located beneath each blog.. . However, I do not like the way it appears on my Facebook page. Are there any better ways to import my blogs?. I need to earn a little extra money and I am a very opinionated person so I feel like writing blogs would be a good start to making some extra cash. I am a full time college student and I also have a $20 hour a week job but I am still having problems making ends meet. Thanks for any help!. What are some good Tumblr blogs that allow you to submit photos, to gain more followers? I want to gain more followers by submitting my pictures to blogs. Like when people click through, they will link to my blog. What are the best free blogs that allow user-sponsored advertising and sales? I have a business blog through which I offer certain goods and services. It is also a general-information blog, however. I am seeking to move it to another blog host. I know that blogspot offers user-sponsored advertising, but are there any other free blogs that allow something like blogspot’s adsense and/or user-sponsored advertising?. Do you have a blog? I have a poetry blog. =) If so, what’s your link so I can check it out and follow you. =). I already have one started. =). i need some ideas for a blog. i already do poems and surveys on it but i wanna talk about something.. I’m creating a new blog about literature ( what I’ve read, what I’m reading), but I’m having trouble thinking of a title. I like the idea of something having to do with an obsession with literature but I think bookophilia is on the average side. What do you think of Litophilia? Is it too similar to “lithophilia” Which means the love of stones? Any ideas? Thanks!. How much blog traffic will affect to my blog if I convert my blog name with different domain name? Actually my blog name is not relevant to my blog niche..in this time i want to convert my blog to a website through blogger. but i dont know if i will do it ,then how much will affect my blog traffic?. What blog sites would be good for a small business in floral and gifts? I am helping some friends get their shop on the map and noticed. They have a web site. One of the ways in my research to optimize a web site is to use a blog. I am not blog savvy and neither are they so need a little help as to good sites to place there blog so that they get noticed.. How do I start a blog under a pen-name and maintain my anonymity. How do you then get regular readers? I want to blog about issues I don’t want associating with my ‘work’ self. How do I choose a blog host that has a good anonymity record, in other words, I don’t want it to be easy for people to match up my IP address or access my personal details.. Also, having set the blog up, how do you encourage high volume visitors?. I’ve only used LJ before and I want to try something a bit different, but anonymity is the biggest issue for me. Would welcome suggestions of good free blog hosts.. Do you blog? Do you blog to advertise items you are selling? I am rather new to the blogging world. I mainly blog to advertise products that I am selling and websites that I am selling on. How do I get traffic to my blog? Do I basically just need to add content? Does my blog get picked up in the search? Any advice on blogging is very much needed.. Hello, yes I mention it on my twitter account and also my other web-sites.. What hosting sites will allow my blog to make money off adds being placed on my blog? I am about to start a blog. Along with many other hopeful’s, I hope to eventually make money off it. I noticed a lot of sites do not allow you to make money of google ad sense and things like that. What are some sites I can start my blog on that will allow this since it seems to be the most profitable way to make money off a blog?. I recently started a blog, and I was just wondering how people have promoted their blogs online to get more followers so you aren’t just typing to nothing out in the internet?. Oh, and for my blog, I don’t really want my friends to be my followers, unless they find it on their own. My blog is about something that most of my friend’s can’t really help me with. (Photography is the main subject). How do you delete your blog comment that you left on someone else blog? Without asking them to delete it, is there a way i can delete my own blog comments on someone else’s blog? Please help(:. How can I import my blog to another gmail account? I have a blog with blogger. I have registered my blog using a gmail account. Now, I want to use a new gmail account and I wanted to import my whole blog along with the posts and comments to this new gmail id.. . Please tell me, is this possible and how can it be done?. I got two networked blog setting of a single blog in facebook. I want to delete of them. Is there any way to delete only one networked blog keeping the another as it is ?. What is a blog subject that you would find interesting to read about? This would have to be a new blog. Something that you want to read about, but havent found online. This can be religious, fashion-based, etc. Im just getting some ideas for the blog i want to start- Thanks!. What are good blog posts for a writer who wants to start a blog that even non-readers might want to visit? I’m planning to write a literature blog, and I want to get as much readers as possible, even those who don’t like books much, to be able to encourage them to read. Suggestions? No bashing please!. How to change the preferences on a secondary Tumblr blog? I sign into my Tumblr account, and switch the dashboard from my main blog to the secondary blog, then I go to Account >Preferences >Customize your blog, but then it just takes me to the customization page for my main blog. Any way to customize my secondary blog, or should I just create a second account altogether?. What is the best absolutely free blog/web or search engine directory on the web? I want to know what is the best 100% free blog/web or search engine directory for the blog site that can provide a lot of traffic to the blog site and spur reading.. How do I get blog stats widget on my new wp blog? I bought a new wordpress blog but it doesn’t have the blog stats which shows site hits on it. The blog has over a million hits so I need it. And blog stats are on my other wordpress blog so where is it on my new one?. What are your standards of success for a blog? Readership? Quality? Is there a relationship between readership and quality?. . What did people with successful blogs do to make them successful? Was it a kind of “if you build it, they will come” thing? Do they actively market themselves? Do they associate themselves with other famous bloggers or websites? How does it happen?. . Do you have a blog? What do you do with your blog? Do you consider yourself successful? Why?. I want to start a blog on myyearbook but i cant find the box on my profile.. I have made sure i have checked the box to show my latest blog in the manage profile boxes section.. But it still wont show up.. Please help.. Is there any other way to start the blog?. If you like reading a blog, what kind of interesting things that make you like that blog? Give me your favorite blog links too.. Can I start a blog that has recording of bad customer service? How my blog post title to appear not the blog title during a search engine query for a specific keyword? I have been blogging since last month, my blog was indexed already in google but during the test i conducted, i search for a certain keyword related on my blog but it only shows the blog title and it directs me to the homepage not on the actual post. Need help!!!. My wordpress blog with Arras theme shows different on different PC. Perfect on one PC, but wiered on the other? I’ve a WordPress blog with Arras theme. This site strangely shows different on different computers. On some computers, I see all 3 columsn, on other PC, I see only 1. On other PCs, some wiered things. Please somebody help me.. How many blog post should i have before i start promoting it? I have a diet blog i just started, i have about 3 posts, someone said i should start promoting i now. I thought i should wait until i had at least 10 posts and feedback from a few people in various forums before I promote it so maybe in 2 weeks. What do you think?. What is the easiest blog site to use? I also need one that you can post pics to from your cell phone? It would be great if I could post text and pics to the blog from my cell (iPhone). Maybe even video??. . I’m new at the whole blog thing, so it really would need to be free and pretty easy to use.. . THANKS!. How do you create a blog or a blog webpage? I want to be able to write entries and add pics. I do not mean something like myspace or facebook or anything like that. I mean an actual blog. . I’m an aspiring writer-of all literary trades (journalism, screen writing, satire, etc)-but I want to start a blog for some adult oriented, romantic fantasy literature. Anyone know how I can start a blog that will allow me to do this? I believe I’ll need a warning page before entrance, and I want it to come up on search engines.. How can I personalize my blog without making it look like crap? I have a blog that’s private, so no one else sees it, but I still want to make it look nice. How can I personalize my blog without fucking it all up?. How to install a custom blog design while using ftp publishing? How can you use a custom blog design if you are using ftp publishing for your blogger blog?. . How do I install the design?. How do I write a Blog introducing a new to social networking site? I am interested in advertising a new social networking site. I have never wrote a Blog before. How should I write this? . And where do I go to write a Blog. This is all new to me and I want to start rocking.. Thanks.. How can my blog be popular and read by many people? Actually, I?m a blog starter. I just want more people to visit my blog to make me a popular blog. I?m capable of writing, and I know writing skill is a must. But is there any other way to make my blog more popular?. What is the easiest way to add a blog to my existing website? I own a .info web domain hosted on 50webs. I have tried uploading via FTP from Blogger but I keep getting java errors. Is there an easier way of having Blog type software on my website? Or what is your suggestion for the BEST blog site to use that lets you use your own domain as a homepage for your blog.. How do i put the blog comment approval on my myspace to approve blog comments before posting them? i want to put the blog comment approval on my myspace, but i cant figure out how to do it. some one please help. . How do you get people to visit your blog and good blogging sites? Want to make people visit a blog and don’t know how. Also can you give me a good blogging site that people visit a lot. Do they visit your blog within the blog site or externally?? Thanks.. What is the best free blog for a photographer to use? I’m wanting to start a blog for my photography business. What free blog would be best?. I want to start a personal blog.. an online journal. I have no idea which blog website to start it with.. . anything I should know about having a blog and who to have one with?. How to make a false blog on a character expressing his feelings? I have a weird desire now to make a false blog. What is a good blog site to do this and let people know that its not really my thoughts but of my characters thoughts?. How do I start a blog with payment options for readers? I’m looking to spike my journalistic career and thought that a blog might be a good idea. But I also know that there are ways to set up a paypal account attached to the blog for payment to read it or donate. I guess I was inspired by the movie Julia and Julie and I want to do it on my own. Any ideas on how to get started?. How to make my second blog my default one on Tumblr? So I created a secondary blog off my first one, but I now want my secondary blog to be my personal or my main blog. So that as soon and I sign on the newer blog I made would be my default blog. If that makes any sense… Is there a way to do this?. What blog hosting website should I create a blog on? What do people think would be a good blog hosting website for creating a blog on? There are a lot I think so I don’t know which would be most useful and versatile.. How do you get your blog published on the Amnesty International site? I am in an english class at the University of Tennessee and my professor stated that if one of us can get published our blog published on the website, we will get an automatic A in the course. Please, if anyone knows how you can get a blog published on Amnesty International, or has any tips, please let me know! Thanks so much!. Can I move a secondary Tumblr blog to a different account? Everyone says you can’t move a primary Tumlbr blog without deleting the account, but what about a secondary blog? I have two accounts, one that I use and one that I just started. I don’t use the primary blog on the old one, but I do use a secondary blog on the same account. Is there any way I can move that secondary blog to my new account as a secondary blog as well? . Thanks!. What if i created a blog with the same name as other blog accidentally? is that legal? I’m planning to create my own blog, and a question comes up to my mind.. How often will Facebook check for a new LiveJournal blog post to import to my notes? I wrote a new LiveJournal blog post about 20 minutes ago, and have Facebook set up to import my blog posts. It’s already imported all my old ones; how long does it take for Facebook to check for new blog posts, and to import them to my Facebook notes?. What is the difference between a blog and a website? I want to create my own website but I have no experience. A classmate recommended me to instead create a blog so that I can get experience. . What free blog site should I use?. Any tips?. How does blogging/setting up a blog help a small to meduim size business grow? Can a blog really be that helpful? What type of content should a business blog have? If there are any blog experts out there please help me out. What are some good companies to set up a blog with? And any other general/specific information on setting up a blog for a business…. How can I drive more traffic to my railroad blog? How would I go about creating a new blog that could become successful in less than a year. I have a lot of ideas of different things I could include, so I don’t know that content would be an issue. What are good ways to promote a new blog and is it better to jump around with different topics or stick to one? What else can I do to make it successful??. How is it possible posting a blog in a classified sites ? How can I automatically publish my blog posts to Facebook? I have a Blogspot blog, and I want that any time I publish a new post on my blog, a link to the new post will automatically be added to my Facebook news feed. Is there anyway to do this?. I need 2 set up wordpess through a webhost…. . i know i have to download wordpress but whats a good host to go with? and after i set up an account with a host, how difficult is the set up before I can begin building a site? and last but not least, can i still import the free wordpress templates?. I have a wordpress blog now, but I can’t figure out how to get readers into there! I have been using myspace and it’s been great, subscriptions like crazy, but a lot of them don’t have wordpress…so no leads there. Besides, I am posting the same info to both, so it’s not much of a point of them getting one. How can I increase my wordpress readership? I already utilize tags, but I still only got about 89 views in two weeks. . . . Thanks in advance–serious answers only, please!. What’s up with the new WordPress dashboard??? I don’t know how to work it!!!. Can I install a different WordPress theme to a WordPress hosted blog? I would like to start a free WordPress blog on the WordPress site (not my own domain) but I don’t like the themes they provide. Can I use a downloaded theme on there? I have seen some WordPress hosted blogs with different themes, so it looks like it’s possible.. Is anything better then WordPress for building a web presence for a small Business? I have been told to go and open a WordPress blog account to make web mini sites (web presence) and I am wanting to know if you have better ideas or simply more ideas? Advise for WordPress would be great as well!. How can I find cheap, reliable wordpress web designers that I can out source my webdesign work to? I am running a small computer repair business in rural Ireland and would like to expand into doing low small, low cost, high quiltiy wordpress brochure websites for other small businesses.. . How can I find outsourcing partners abroad, that I can just simply email the content to, and have them create, small, 5 or 6 page unique wordpress sites for me at a rate of 1 per week?. How do you start building a WordPress site for an already existing website? I have a website that has been up and running for some time now, and for numerous reasons I want to replace it with a WordPress site.. . So, how do I start building the WordPress site – in a seperate folder from the “public_html” folder? Then when you are ready to move it into the public_html folder, do you have to correct whatever file-paths and link errors?. How to switch WordPress menu from right side to the left? Hi,. I have a question that I hope will have a simple answer. I have a wordpress blog and right now my side navigation menu is on the right side. I would like for the menu to be on the left side. Can someone please tell me how I would go about doing this, in simple terms, please? . . Or point me in the direction of a resource that tells me how to do it?. . Thanks so much ya’ll!. What user friendly WordPress text editing program should I use that is a free download? Most of the files in the WordPress theme I have end in .php. I would like to be able to make the text changes on screen in the WordPress theme, also, how do you add additional pages, etc?. How to make a select category on wordpress use a different domain? I want to install wordpress on one domain name but using that same wordpress have a select category come up under a different domain. Is there a way to do this?. How to upload a wordpress backup on to a site? Hey,. . My site went down a while ago now, i just need to know how to upload my backup file back onto the site, is it on the dashboard in wordpress or on cpanel or something?. . Thanks.. How can I create a WordPress Theme without installing WordPress on my computer? I want to create a custom WordPress theme, but I don’t have administrative access to the computer that I’m using, so I can’t install WordPress to test my theme. Is there another easy way to do it? I have photoshop, and notepad ++ both installed on my flash drive, but as far as I know there is no way to install WordPress on a flash drive.. How do I use wordpress and comicpress to create a website and publish my comic strips? I haven’t a clue how to use WordPress and Comicpress to create sites and publish comic strips! Please help. Do you know of a good walkthrough? Thanks much!. What are some good wordpress themes/plugins that allow you to manipulate design? I want to be able to customize a wordpress themes to make them look a bit more origional. I know you can change the colors, etc. But i want to be able to change the size of the boxes and such. I like iblog and am looking for something similar but the free version is very limited and i cant afford to buy the full version. Does anyone know of any good free themes to install?. How to apply a wordpress theme downloaded from other websites? I’ve downloaded a few wordpress blog themes from other websites. They are in the zip file format. How do I apply them? Can I get a step by step guide?. I know nothing about blogging, Its just that my friend tells me to use wordpress but I want to start my blog offline to save money. So, can I use ez generator as an offline blogger while using wordpress on it?. When a business is looking to build a new WordPress website, what are the plugins or features most useful to most companies? I can list a ton of them here, but what in your experience are the best?. How to build a wordpress site while domain is on redirect.? I have a domain that is redirecting it views to my main site. I want to build a wordpress site on that domain but i cant access my admin for wordpress because it just redirects me to my main site. I don’t want to take my domain off redirect until the wordpress site is done. So what do i do?. It is redirected thru my registrar. How would i login with my IP?. What’s a good wordpress blog theme for an icanhascheeseburer or failblog clone? I want to build a blog in wordpress where I can share photos, have people upload photos and everyone can rate them. Can anybody recommend a good theme or some tips? Free is preferred or like, under $100.. . Thanks!. Is a WordPress or Blogspot a better place to host your blog? I noticed that WordPress charges a fee for you to make changes to your blog and blogspot doesn’t..But does wordpress have some other advantage over google’s blogspot that I’m missing?. What are the most effective WordPress plugins to attract the most relevant traffic and maximize website sales? What are the most effective WordPress plugins to attract the most relevant traffic, the most relevant traffic and maximize website sales?. . I am thinking maybe:. 1. RSS feed plugins, . 2. Cost Per Action (CPA) plugins or code snippets, . 3. Affiliate plugins and/or links. . Can you provide links to the tools that you think are the best, and let me know why you think they are the best?. How do I copy my WordPress blog onto my computer so I can locally edit and try out plugins before publishing? My website is on a remote server, I have copied all the files from their remote host server. How do I now configure MAMP to see this as a local copy of wordpress so I can edit it and try out different themes. . Please help. I am pulling my hair out!. How do I get my WordPress articles to pop up in peoples google searches? When Someone googles something that relates to one of my wordpress blogs how can I get it to appear on the first page of their serach results?? Thanks!. I have a wordpress blog with a lot of pictures hosted on third party websites. I want all the pictures to be hosted in my wordpress blogs. I don’t want to manually download all pictures and replace them in the posts, i need something to do that automatically.. How do i put music playing on my wordpress homepage? I have a song [mp3 file] and i want it to automatically play when you enter my wordpress blog. On all the pages if possible but preferably just on the homepage if simpler. I’m new to wordpress so it might be tough but if anyone can confirm it’s possible and perhaps tell me how it would be greatly appreciated.. . Also i installed firebug if that’s any help.. How do I use my wordpress theme on my regular subpages? How do I know if a WordPress theme supports a subscribe option? I’m looking for a WordPress magazine theme that let’s te readers subscribe to a newsletter. How do I find out if a template can do that? When I look at the demos I never come across this function. Thanks!. What is the best free software to automatically backup wordpress database and files? Hi, What is the best free software to automatically backup wordpress database and files ? A software that is trustworthy and would not hack your password in wordpress. Have you tried it ? For How long ? Thanks…… Does anyone know how you get those customised backgrounds on wordpress. All i can seem to get is the ones they provide. Can someone help me pleaseeeeeeeeeee?. How do I convert my website from dreamweaver to wordpress? My friend put together my small business website in dreamweaver for me. However, I now want to maintain it myself—my friend recommended putting it into wordpress. However, I am not a web designer and have no idea what I’m doing—is there an easy way to convert my current website from dreamweaver to wordpress (for someone who can’t read code, etc). . Thanks!. How do I post to my wordpress blog from my desktop, without 3rd party software? Hi,. . I want to post directly to my wordpress blog from my desktop, specifically from Command prompt. . . I know there is a protocol called xml-rpc, but that is of no help to me, as I don’t know what on earth it is. Any help would be appreciated.. How do I edit a wordpress page to display only the posts, so minus the menubars? My goal here is to link the wordpress blog entries to a frame in a personal site. So I want only the blog entries to appear, but none of the menu bars or other things associated with wordpress only what was posted. I know wordpress is done in PHP so i was wondering if anybody knew the specifics of the coding and how I would go about doing this.. . Thanks!. What happens to files when my wordpress space upgrade expires? And I HAVE read wordpress support page. Just want to know, if my files over 3GB will be deleted if I will not extend my upgrade for another 12 months.. Hi. I have a blog which i installed wordpress. So far so good. Except that wordpress stats shows me the visits and i want it to show how many visitors visited my blog. Can anyone help me? Thanks a lot.. How can I copy-paste from Google Docs to WordPress and retain the boldfaced texts? What I have tried so far is: copy pasting from googledocs to Notes to wordpress, and copy pasting from googledics into HTML tab in wordpress. Neither tries retained the boldface text. Thanks in advance!. I would like to setup wordpress blog that would allow people to sign up to receive news letters and updates? Do I need to download wordpress to my computer? Is there any pre-made templates for this type?. How do I transfer my Blogger feed readers to my WordPress blog? Thing is, I’ve just migrated to WordPress. However, I have a number of people who have subscribed to my feeds from my blogger blog. What should I do to ensure that they now receive updates from my WordPress blog? . . FYI, I have a feedburner account.. Can WordPress host a guide to a mmorpg game with probably hundreds of pages? I was planning on starting the guide with wordpress.. I am trying to find a free Dreamweaver alternative and it looks like Kompozer is good. But I could not find any feedback with using this program for wordpress templates. I wanted to know if anyone has used it and how well it works. Thanks in advance.. How can I install WordPress without losing all the indexed html pages? I want to switch to a clean new WordPress theme for a site, but Google has indexed 2500 pages from the old site (mainly due to a calendar module creating a new page for each day). How do I ensure all those pages remain accessible for Google, without throwing up a “Page Not Found” when someone tries to access it after installing the new WordPress theme. The current site is content managed and is running pHp.. How hard is it to write a wordpress theme to fit into an existing site? Wordpress is up and running on my host — but it completely mismatches my site’s existing theme/CSS. How hard would it be to modify/write a new theme to make it fit in? Is there an easier way to do this?. I just install WordPress. I post some posts but they all go to homepage. How can I let posts go to different page, for example, I have ‘articles’ tab and ”events’ tab. I want articles postings go to articles section and I want events postings go to events section.. How to embed a music playlist in my wordpress blog? I’ve been trying everything and unfortunately they won’t work. I tried posting a playlist in my wordpress in the ‘Pages’ section but the playlist won’t show. Can someone please help with this?. I need to import about 50 of 458 posts from a blogspot blog into wordpress. If I use the plug in import tool, I am concerned that it will duplicate the posts that were already imported in a previous batch. Also the prior posts have been re-categorized. I need to hold those as well. Any tips will help! Thank you.. How can i change the font on my wordpress blog? I am using the revolution code blue template for wordpress. I would like to change all fonts to Trebuchet MS. I have tried editing the stylesheet but no luck. Any suggestions?. I want to change my home page to another page with wordpress, is it possible?. How do I allow contributors to see only their uploads in WordPress? Using “Capability Manager” I have allowed contributors to upload media to the media library of my wordpress website.. . At the moment, however, they can still see the uploads that have been submitted by other users.. . I need to be able to moderate the uploads, so if everyone can see them before I do, it defeats the object!. . Therefore, how do you set wordpress so that a contributor can only see the content that they contribute?. . Thanks!. I just downloaded Mozilla firefox, how do i make it so my opening page is bebo? I know its possible i just can’t remember how. I mean so that when you open firefox its not google its bebo, if yous get what i mean?. I like firefox MUCH better than IE but on certain occasions i would have a ff winfdow open and it shows the window error thing. i go back and it was firefox is already running or something s i cant use it…. okay so i downloaded firefox. i’ve been using firefox for a while, and all a sudden when i x’ed out my firefox and opened it again it wont go to websites, it wont even say page not displayed. it will just be blank. so i unstalled it and re stalled it and it worked when it was launched from the reinstal but when i x’ed it out again and opened it it showed blank. does anyone know how i can fix this????. I always hear that Fire fox is better than Internet Explorer and its faster safer ect….But what are the bad things about firefox?. I have asked several questions, and many of the replies suggest that I consider FIREFOX. I’m not sure what it is – probably a browser. Is it similar to Netscape and Internet Explorer? What are its good features and its bad features?. on fire fox,. how do you get to your favorites???. =/. haha im dumb. Firefox wont start but when I open a link that opens firefox, It works fine. What do I do? Whenever I open firefox, it instantly crashes. I’ve tried opening it in safe mode and still it doesn’t work. I even tried changing my homepage. When my friends give me a link in my msn messenger, it opens up firefox and it works fine, I’m able to browse the internet normally. What do I do? I already uninstalled and reinstalled it.. The Firefox updated tab comes up everytime i start firefox. What do i do to stop it? I updated to the latest version, and now it keeps on coming up with that tab whenever i startup firefox. What should i do?. I have updated it, there is a tab saying that i have, that is the problem. It is telling me all of the new features that this version offers and everything.. My Firefox stopped working saying the server wasn’t found but Internet Explorers still works. I used to use firefox all the time but only recently it stopped working. I already checked the firewall and it allows firefox so i don’t know what’s wrong.. How do I change firefox from remembering my facebook info? Hello, I’m having trouble trying to change the settings for my facebook account. I use firefox, and when I opened the account I clicked on the button saying I wanted firefox to remember my password info. Well, I’ve now changed my mind and want to remove firefox from remembering my info. Does anyone know how to do this? Please help if you do. Thank You.. How can I fix Firefox browser because it opens everytime not only my homepage but 2 more pages from NoScript and Firefox update? I tried cleaning cache and everything I found. Still no ideea! Thanks!. How do i make firefox my main browser for windows live messenger? I have Firefox as my main web browser already, but I want my windows live messenger to open all windows on Firefox and not IE7. For example, the email icon on the top left hand corner of wlm. Every time I click on it, it opens up on IE7 which i don’t want, but on Firefox.. how do i remove ie7?. Using Firefox: How do you clear out old stored security informaion like account numbers and such? I stored a library account number and had to renew the card. How do I now eliminate the old account number from the Firefox memory?. Thanks!. What Firefox Extension can I get to download streaming videos from sites? I’m wanting to download some videos from various different sites like youtube, Google videos, and a few other sites for my entertainment at home. I’ve downloaded an extension from Media Converter for Firefox, but I don’t see it anywhere. Can someone recommend an extension to allow me to download online videos?. I’m having some problems with Firefox, so I want to uninstall it and then reinstall it. But I want to save all my bookmarks, so can I save my bookmarks to my computer, and then import them back to Firefox once I reinstall it? Thanks for the help.. I am constantly signing in and out of my college website and it is rather annoying to always have to type in my user id. It used to be saved, but then I updated Firefox and it won’t save.. . If anyone could explain to make Firefox remember that would be great. Thanks.. How do you make firefox use your existing installation of Flash? Flash is already installed on my work computer, however firefox is not communicating with it for some odd reason. I can not reinstall flash because like i said this is my works computer, therefore i need admin rights to install flash. So how can i make Firefox work with the flash thats already been installed by admin?. . thanks!. How can I get Firefox to save a webpage from the local files, rather than downloading it from the Internet? There’s an interesting webpage that has just been deleted, but thanks to the miracle of hibernation, it’s still open in Firefox. The problem is, when I save it, it seems to attempt to retrieve the page from its source on the internet, which no longer exists. Is there any way I can configure Firefox to save the locally-held files instead?. How do I prevent Firefox from opening a site that has a virus? Every few minutes Firefox tries to open a site. Because I just got a Trojan off my computer. So the link to the virus does not work anymore but Firefox keeps trying to open it. It says it cannot display this webpage. So how do I stop this?. How can I get Firefox 3 to stop logging me out everytime I close the browser? I close my browser often for various reasons, and having to repeatedly log into my accounts like Facebook, Yahoo, Gmail, and etc, is very inconvenient and getting gold. Firefox 2 never did this, just my current Firefox 3.. How do you save your bookmarks in Firefox when transferring from one computer to another? Getting a new computer. Can’t seem to get my bookmarks out of firefox. Need this information TONIGHT. Have to give the computer to it’s new owner tomorrow morning. Is there anyway I can save the bookmarks within an firefox account online so that when I download firefox on the new computer they will be there?? PLEASE HELP. Thanx.. How to stop Firefox download window from popping up in Mac? I have a Mac and use the latest version of Firefox. I want the download window to stop popping up every time i save like a picture or something. For instance when i save a picture i see in firefox, the download window pops up saying what i’ve downloaded and stuff. How do i get that pop up window to stop popping up everytime i save something to my computer (like a picture) in Firefox? I can’t find anything in preferences in firefox either. PLEASE HELP!. In Mozilla Firefox how do you customize the toolbars to different colors and styles? In Firefox you have the standard silver toolbars where the address bar and file/edit bars are there is the silver background. How do you customize and change that around?. My school has both and they are the same thing. Everytime I go to a site it says either: You must have firefox, or You must have internet explorer. Also why is firefox downloadable? Wouldn’t you already have a browser?. What are the add ons like? Internet explorer has tabbed browsing.. How do you transfer your bookmarks and RSS feeds from Firefox to a portable version of Firefox? I have a portable version of Firefox on an external drive and I’d like to export my current Firefox settings form my laptop Firefox to it.. . Is this possible?. How do I save my Firefox bookmarks when getting a new computer? I’m getting a new computer but don’t want to lose my Firefox bookmarks. Is there an easy way to save a record of all the URLs in my Bookmarks and then quickly upload them to Firefox on my new computer?. How come Firefox displays a weird character when it should show a word? How come I get this ? when using Firefox and when I am using Internet Explorer shows what I am supposed to get, (Wed) ,as the text. If you cannot see what I put down it is a small box with the numbers 26 and 20 inside of it.. Is there a fix for my problem?. Thanks in advance.. Can I get Firefox to always open media files in an external player? It is very annoying to me that Firefox always opens mp3, wmv, mpg and opther file types in the browser window. Is there a way to set it to always open these files in winamp, VLC player, or anything else?. How to uninstall firefox using command prompt or from registry? The mozzila firefox is removed from the add remove programs but still it is not uninstalled. I would like to uninstall it is there any way to uninstall it using command promt or from registry?. Firefox / internet does not work but internet connection is excellent? I use firefox and some nights at 12:00 exactly or 12:30 exactly, firefox stops working and does not load a page. The internet connection is perfectly fine though because it says excellent. I am connected to a home router and the signal strength is always excellent. I do not know why this happens at exactly 12:00 or 12:30 on my desktop time but it’s a pain. I’ve tried “ping”ing and everything looks fine.. How to transfer firefox bookmarks from one laptop to another laptop? Just bought a new laptop, not sure whether there is a way to take firefox bookmarks from old laptop to new laptop.. . Thanks.. Why does Firefox not work since I downloaded yahoo instant messenger? I have had Firefox, IE, and Google chrome downloaded onto my computer for a while now with no problem. Recently I downloaded YIM and now Firefox doesn’t start up. If I restart my computer a few times, and try to open it a few dozen times each time I restart, it will eventually pop up. How do I fix it? Chrome and IE still work fine but I prefer Firefox.. I open it then something pops up saying:. . Firefox has stopped working.. Windows can check online for a solution to the problem.. . So can anyone help to fix it?. How to get FireFox or any browser up first on reboot? I want to know how to make my browser load fast on reboot. Most of the time, I only need the web browser but it takes ages because of other programs loading.. . I hope to find a way to boot up and get web browser straight up. I have IE, and FireFox and I am running windows xp media edition.. . Any suggestions?. . Thanks.. How do I copy Firefox bookmarks between users on the same computer? I created a new user, opened Firefox, and there are only the default bookmarks. There is an “import” function, but it only offers to import Internet Explorer bookmarks. Is there any way to copy/import between users on the same machine?. What are some extensions known to slowdown firefox browser?. . Which one can make firefox the more slower?. . Can you tell me some of them?. How can I make firefox to prompt me for what to do with a file instead of automatically downloading? Right now firefox automatically downloads an mp3 and opens it. I want it to prompt me with the dialog box so I can choose where to save it. I’ve looked in options->downloads->view and edit actions and there is nothing set there that I can change.. How do I stop FireFox from discreetly installing updates, which removes the bookmarks and seetings? It happens with out my knowledge. This leads me to lose my bookmarks, settings and is such a nuisance. How do I stop FireFox from losing my settings and bookmarks? Thank you.. How do I get Firefox not to block the installation of farmville toolbar, Allow did not work? I follow all the installation instructions, after downloading, but Mozilla Firefox blocks the installation.. What is a good firefox addon to save massive number of pictures on separated links? I know there are lots of firefox addons that help manage saving pictures, but what I am specifically looking for is, one which can allow me to simply paste the picture link and it will download the picture from that link. . Reason being, the pictures I am saving is has their own individual link and NOT on the same page itself.. How can I transfer firefox settings from one computer to another? I just bought a new computer and would like the same settings I have on my other computer. How do I go about doing this? The one thing I want to change in firefox on my new computer is when I type a website in the address bar I would like it to show my history instead of my bookmarks. I changed it before but I can’t remember what I did.. How do I make firefox show at the top of my start list? It used to show at the top of my start list until I downloaded google chrome to see what it was all about, I didn’t really like it so I deleted it but now firefox isnt at the top of start. Any ideas?. How to add a new button to firefox navigation toolbar? Okay here are the details. I want to add a new button to firefox, the purpose of that button is that when i type something in the address bar in firefox and click that button in navigation toolbar, that must serve the purpose of “I am feeling lucky button on google homepage”. Any super genius here?. How do IE and Firefox make money? Where is the revenue source coming in from? How do Microsoft and the owners of Firefox make money? Google is planning to create a browser also to compete with them called “chrome”. I was wondering where does the source of revenue come in? There are no ads, etc. These programs are free.. In Firefox – How to open in new tab automatically when I click a bookmark? In Firefox I normally use right-click >”Open in new tab” when browsing web pages. This can also be done when clicking on a bookmark. . . Is there any way to get Firefox to do this automatically (by default) when left-clicking a bookmark instead of having to do the right click?. How do I import Firefox bookmarks and other settings from one user account to another? I have a limited account and an administrator account on Windows XP. I would like to import all of my Firefox settings from my Limited Account to my Admin Account so they are exactly the same.. How can i start firefox with a message to restore the last session? I used to have a pop-up message when i start firefox to restore last session but now it’s gone. I need it in case i accidentally close something and i want to go back into it. Anybody know how to do it? Thanks.. Whats the difference between firefox, google chrome, and internet explorer? I’ve always had internet explorer and I never used anything else. What can google chrome and firefox do that internet explorer cant?. How to use mozila firefox seting from an other windows? I have many setting in my previous windows in Mozila Firefox, now I’ve installed an onother version of windows on other hardisk.. What should I copy to have the same settings, history and bookmarks from the earlier one?. Nothing is lost I just have an onother windows in another hard and I want to move the mozile setting from the previous to the current one.. how can u get rid of unwanted files on ur computer….like old movies u deleted that are still on the computer or books that were digital?!. I bought a brand new hp computer over a month ago. Is turning it off every night bad for the computer or should the computer be left on 24-7. I have heard both ways. Any computer techs answers would be appreciated.. so basically, i want to down;oad one of those programs that makes ur mouse pointer cool, but i don’t want it to screw up my computer.. . what’s a good one?. Can connecting another computer to my network influence the connections of the other computers? I had two computers both connected to a wireless router. Yesterday I connected a third computer to the network and, although the connection goes through for this new computer, one of the original computers now says “Limited or no connectivity” and cannot connect to the Internet. Is it possible that the new computer is using up too much bandwidth and is therefore preventing the other computer from accessing the Internet?. What is the difference between Computer science and information technology? Hi I’m interested in computer courses to study, today I spoke to someone from one of the unis I was interested in one of the courses were more about designing and the other practical and more technical fixing and support the system. I’m really interested in that. Its called computer enterprising. .. . But I want to apply to more but I get confused as every university calls the computer courses a different name. So i’m unsure if its software , or computer science , IT , IS with business. I think it could be IS with business what I’m interested in but I’m unsure. In some of the modules in the enterprise one has : information systems,computer programming ,data management , software testing , human computer interaction. developing internet applications supporting the systems kinda thing. . Which computer course would include that sort of things? Its one of the practical and technical I want I’m not interested in designing. And can anyone tell me from this which computer courses is more like the one i described is it Information technology with business or something else? And is Computer science based on designing the applications? and not the more practical. Does a computer engineer play a important role in designing an aircraft ? I have a great interest in computer and aircrafts, especially military aircrafts. I am planning to do computer engineering and be involved in the designing of military aircrafts (aircraft’s computer).. I need to know whether the US Air Force needs computer engineers and if yes, will a computer engineer be wearing uniform and do they have military ranks ?. Computer question (How long does an average person keep a computer for? When is it time to purchase a new computer?. . Some people I have talked to told me its good to purchase a new computer every 2 years however that could be expensive for most people. I always thought every 4-5 years.. . What is your opinion on this?. . The computer I own is 11 months old?. What makes a computer choosing random numbers, start at 3, or 5, or 3027846? A computer starts somewhere. It starts with a bios and a CPU and a motherboard ect… When we code that computer to pump out a random number, what makes it pick the number it picks? Exactly the same computer sits beside it’s identical and they both pick different 1st random numbers. Is the Bios fed a seed during construction and every new bios gets a different seed? Those of us that have worked with random numbers know what a seed is. So why does my computer give a number between 100 and 1000 as 756, but yours gives, 537? Is that not a form of intelligence beyond that of artificial? We gave the computer the ability to give random numbers, but what makes it give or pick that random number when in reality it has no ‘will’ to decide. Why 3 and not 4, when it favours nothing? Even with a seed, what makes it choose 5 with this seed but 7 with that seed? Where in the ruels of life does it say that, with this seed equaling 756395837 in that computer, 1st random # will be this?. How does Computer Ram make a computer faster and deliver better performance? Hi there. I was just wondering why its such a big thing these days to have a ridiculous amount of ram in a computer? People tell me that the more Ram you have in your computer the faster your computer will be. I always thought that it was the processor that controls the speed of a computer and not the Ram.. . I had 512MB of Ram in my laptop and I have now changed it to 2Gigs of Ram and I’ve seen no difference in performance what so ever. . Could somebody please explain to me what does Ram does exactly?. Thanks in advance. I just figured out that my computer has this kind of trojan. I was running pretty much all of the Anti-virus things my computer has. The main one says there is nothing there and my Windows defender says I have two trojans so I’m not sure what to do. I’m thinking of buying or building a new one. . Right now I have intel. Im not sure which is best like Dell, Miscrosoft, etc. I need a gaming computer which can also be used as a school work computer. Any ideas?. What computer brands allow you to build your own computer? I know I want to build my own computer for college. But the only brand that I know of that does build computers to your specification is Dell. However, I’m pretty sure that there is another top of the line brand that lets you build your own computer. So if you can have get some more options of brands for which I can choose that will be great.. I have a MacBook computer and I want my pictures that are on my computer to be on my Motorola Razr 2 v9. I have a memory card and a memory card adapter. When I put the card in the adapter, the computer recognizes it. And the pictures that I have on my phone can transfer to the computer with no problem. But the pictures on my computer won’t transfer to my phone. All that shows up is a big red “x” on a black screen. Am I doing something wrong? The phone company is AT&T.. How does a computer virus getting formed?. I have a lot of computer viruses lately but thanks to Norton Anti-virus and Malwarebytes Anti-malware my computer is 100% secure. But how does a computer virus formed? Do people actually make it and they spread it throughout the internet?. . Please tell me more about computer viruses cuz I don’t know to much about it I just get rid of them.. Is a computer science degree any good for computer forensics? I’m studying for my bachelors degree in computer science, and I might continue on to get a masters degree. I have my A+ and Network+ certifications, and I’m planning on getting Linux, Network Security, and the Microsoft certifications.. . Can I get a job doing computer forensics with this? If not, what should I do to increase my chances of getting a computer forensics job?. . Thanks. Just a little more info: I do more programming than anything with computers, but I’m pretty good with the non-programming side too.. Can a computer virus passively infect the computer by just being online? Can a computer virus infect my computer just by being online? No downloading or uploading. No file sharing. No instant messaging/chatting. No opening of new browsers or opening email or email contents and such. Just leaving my computer on with my homepage screen and connected to internet.. Can you access a computer from the iPod touch without installing anything onto the computer? Ok so I have looked around a lot on this matter and I keep finding stuff like VNC (or VNSea) that allows you to access the computers on your WiFi network, but all of these require you to install something onto the computer itself. Is there a way to access the computer WITHOUT even touching the computer?. . Thanks in advance!. What is the best computer virus remover?. My computer is slow as hell and freezes on me. Most of the time, I have to restart my computer. I think I may have a virus
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