1. Sebelum Masehi bahasa inggrisnya adalah B.C (Before Christ). Setelah Masehi adalah A.D (Anno Domini)
2. Ikan hiu kehilangan gigi lebih dari 6000buah setiap tahun, dan gigi barunya tumbuh dalam waktu 24 jam
3. Julius Caesar tewas dengan 23 tikaman
4. Nama mobil Nissan berasal dari bahasa jepang Ni : 2 dan San : 3. Nissan : 23
5. Jerapah dan tikus bisa bertahan hidup lebih lama tanpa air dari pada unta
6. Perut memproduksi lapisan lendir setiap dua minggu agar perut tidak mencerna organnya sendiri.
7. 98% dari perkosaan dan pembunuhan dilakukan oleh keluarga dekat atau teman korban.
8. Semut dapat mengangkat beban 50 kali tubuhnya
9. Deklarasi Kemerdekaan Amerika ditulis diatas kertas marijuana
10. Titik diatas huruf i disebut ‘title’
11. Sebutir kismis yang dijatuhkan kedalam gelas berisi sampanye segar akan bergerak naik turun dalam gelas
12. Benjamin Franklin anak bungsu dari orangtua bungsu keturunan ke 5 dalam keluarga bungsu.
13. Triskaidekaphobia adalah ketakutan pada 13. Paraskevidekatriaph obia adalah ketekukan pada hari jumat tanggal 13 (bisa terjadi antara 1-3 kali setahun). di Italia, 17 adalah angka sial. di Jepang angka sial adalah 4
14. Lidah jerapah panjangnya sekitar 50 cm
15. Mulut menghasilkan 1 liter ludah setiap hari
16. Kita bernafas kira-kira 23.000 kali setiap hari
17. Kata ZIP (kode pos) adalah kepanjangan dari ‘Zoning Improvement Plan’.
18. Coca-Cola mengandung Coca (yang merupakan zat aktif pada kokain) dari tahun 1885 sampai 1903.
19. Rata-rata kita bicara 5000 kata tiap hari (walaupun 80% nya kita bicara pada diri sendiri)
20. Seandainya kuota air dalam tubuh kita berkurang 1%, kita langsung merasa haus
21. 4 simbol raja pada kartu remi melambangkan 4 raja yang etrkenal di jaman masing-masing: Sekop = David/Raja Daud ; Keriting = Alexander the Great/Iskandar Agung ; Hati = Charlemagne/ Raja Prancis ; Wajik =Julius Caesar
22. Seumur hidup kita meminum air sebanyak kurang lebih 75.000 liter
23. Setiap orang, termasuk kembar identik, sidik jari dan tekstur lidahnya tidak ada yang sama.
24. Titik merah pada 7-Up logo berasal dari penemunya yang bermata merah. Dia seorang albino.
25. Pria kehilangan 40 helai rambut tiap hari. wanita 70 helai.
26. Tanda ’save’ pada Microsoft Office programs menunjukan gambar floppy disk dengan shutter terbalik
27. Albert Einstein dan Charles Darwin,keduanya menikah dengan sepupu pertama mereka (Elsa Löwenthal dan Emma Wedgewood).
28. Unta punya 3 kelopak mata.
29. Sehelai rambut di kepala kita mempunyai masa tumbuh 2 sampai 6 tahun sebelum diganti dengan rambut baru
30. Seseorang masih akan sadar selama 8 detik setelah dipenggal
31. Otot yang bekerja paling cepat ditubuh kita adalah otot dikelopak mata yang membuat kita berkedip. kita bisa berkedip 5kali dalam sedetik
32. Coklat dapat membunuh anjing,karena langsung mempengaruhi jantung dan susunan syarafnya
33. Tanpa dicampur ludah di dalam mulut, kita tidak akan merasakan rasa makanan
34. Kuku jari tangan tumbuh 4kali lebih cepat daripada kuku kaki
35. 13% orang di dunia adalah kidal
36. Hampir semua lipstik mengandung sisik ikan
37. Bayi yang baru lahir berat kepalanya 1/4 dari berat tubuhnya
38. Kita sebenarnya melihat dengan otak. mata hanya berupa kamera yang mengirim data ke otak. 1/4 bagian dari otak digunakan untuk mengatur kerja mata
39. Kalajengking bisa dibunuh dengan menyiramnya dengan cuka,mereka akan murka dan menyengat dirinya sendiri
40. Tahun 1830an saus tomat biasa dijual sebagai obat.
41. Tiga monyet bijak punya nama: Mizaru (See no evil), Mikazaru (Hear no evil), and Mazaru (Speak no evil).
42. India mempunyai Undang-undang hak untuk sapi
43. Jika bersin terlalu keras dapat meretakkan tulang iga. JIka mencoba menahan bersin, bisa mengalami pecah pembuluh nadi di kepala dan leher trus mati . jika memaksa mata terbuka saat bersin, bola mata bisa meloncat keluar.
44. Nama negara Filipina berasal dari nama Raja Phillip
45. Saudi Arabia berasala dari nama Raja Saud
46. Anak-anak mempunyai 20 gigi awal. Orang dewasa punya 32
47. Karena langkanya logam, piala Oscars yang dibagikan pada perang dunia ke II terbuat dari kayu
48. Setiap Siklus 11 tahun, kutub magnet pada matahari bertukar tempat. Siklus ini dinamakan “Solarmax”.
49. Ada 318,979,564, 000 kemungkinan kombinasi pembukaan pertama pada catur.
50. Ada lebih dari 300 bakteri pembentuk karang gigi
51. Macan adalah anggota terbesar dalam keluarga kucing
52. Nomer “172″ dapat ditemukan pada uang kertas 5 dollar amerika, pada gambar semak-semak dibawah Lincoln Memorial.
53. Pohon kelapa membunuh 150 orang tiap tahun. Lebih banyak daripada hiu
54. Pada poster film ‘Pretty Woman’ Julia Robets terlalu pendek untuk bisa sejajar dengan Richard Gere. Maka digunakan model Shelley Michelle sebagai tubuh Julia.
55. Daerah kutub kehilangan matahari selama 186 hari dalam setahun
56. Kode Telephone Internasional untuk Antartica adalah 672.
57. Bom pertama sekutu dijatuhkan di Berlin pada perang dunia ke II. Membunuh satu-satunya gajah di Kebun Binatang Berlin.
58. Rata-rata hujan jatuh dengan kecepatan 7 mil per jam
59. Butuh 10 tahun bagi Leonardo Da Vinci untuk melukis Mona Lisa.Lukisan itu tidak ditandai dan di beri tanggal. Leonardo dan Mona mempunya susunan tulang yang persis sama dan menurut sinar X, ada 3 versi lukisan dibawah lukisan itu.
60. Nama dari kembar gemini adalah Castor dan Pullox
61. Gerakan Bruce Lee sangat cepat sehingga mereka harus melambatkan filam agar kita bisa melihat semua gerakannya.
62. Satu kilo dari berat badan kita mengandung 7000 kalori
63. Darah sama kental dengan air laut
64. Air laut di samudra Atlantik lebih asin dari pada di samudra Pasifik
65. Topeng tokoh Michael Myers di film horor ‘Helloween’ sebenernya topeng tokoh Captain Kirk (Star Trek) yang di cat putih, karena kurang dana
66. Nama asli butterfly (kupu-kupu) adalah flutterby.
67. Bayi lahir setiap 7 detik
68. Satu dari 14 wanita Amerika berambut pirang asli. Prianya hanya satu dari 17
69. The Olympic adalah saudara dari kapal Titanic, dan melayani dengan selamat selama 25 tahun.
70. Saat Titanic karam, 2228 orang ada di dalamnya. Hanya 706 yang selamat
71. Di Amerika, seseorang didiagnosa menderita AIDS tiap 10 menit. Di Afrika, seseorang meninggal karena AIDS tipa 10 menit
72. Sampai usia 6 bulan, bayi bisa menelan dan bernapas secara bersamaan. Orang dewasa tidak bisa
73. Alasan kenapa diiklan jam kebanyakan jarum menunjuk pukul 10.10, karena jam seperti sedang tersenyum
74. Tiap tahun bulan menjauh 3.82 cm dari bumi
75. Saat kita bertahan hidup dan tidak ada bahan makanan, sabuk kulit dan sepatu keds adalah makanan terbaik untuk dimakan karena mengandung cukup gizi untuk hidup sementara.
76. Dalam satu tetes air mengandung 50 juta bakteri
77. Dengan menaikan kaki pelan2 dan berbaring tenang dengan punggung lurus, kita tidak akan tenggelam di pasir hisap.
78. Satu dari 10 orang hidup di suatu pulau
79. Memakan seledri membuang kalori lebih banyak dari pada kalori yang terkandung dalam seledri itu sendiri
80. Lobster dapat hidup selama 100 tahun
81. Permen karet tidak dijual di Disney Land
82. Mangunyah permen karet saat mengupas bawang mencegah kita menangis
83. Rahang kucing gak bisa bergerak kekiri dan kanan
84. Nama Artic (kutub utara) berarti beruang dalam bahasa Yunani (Arktos), dan memang beruang kutub hanya ada di kutub utara
85. Jika kira berdiri di dasar sumur, kita bisa melihat bintang walaupun di siang hari
86. Suara yang kita dengar dari dalam kerang bukan suara ombak laut, tapi suara aliran darah dalam kepala kita.
87. Orang kebanyak yang menderita ketakutan pada ruang terbuka (kenophobia) daripada ketakukan pada ruang tertutup (claustrophobia) .
88. Tehnik mengaduk terbaik bukan dengan gerakan memutar, tapi dengan gerakan huruf W
89. Adegan band yang terus bermain musik saat Titanic tenggelam adalah kisah nyata
90. Buku Guinness Book of Records memegang rekor sebagai buku yang paling banyak dicuri dari perpustakaan
91. 35% dari orang yang ikut kontak jodoh lewat internet, sudah menikah
92. CocaCola dulu berwarna hijau
93. Secara fisik, babi tidak bisa melihat ke langit
94. Semua beruang kutub kidal
95. Kelelawar selalu belok kiri jika terbang keluar gua
96. Jim Henson pertama kali memakai kata “Muppet”. Kombinasi dari “marionette” dan “puppet.”
97. Gajah satu-satunya hewan yang tidak bisa meloncat
98. The Michelin man (figur berbaju dan bertopi putih diiklan Michelin) bernama Mr. Bib. nama aslinya Bibendum pada iklan pertama tahun 1896.
99. Kita tidak bisa menjilat siku kita sendiri
100. Kata “lethologica” menggambarkan saat dimana kita tidak bisa mengingat apa yang kita inginkan.
101. Sekitar 14% pecandu yang menggunakan jarum suntik, positif HIV.
102. Kalimat yang bisa dibaca sama dari depan dan belakang (racecar, kayak, tamat) disebut “palindrome” .
103. Siput bisa tidur selama 3 tahun
104. Diatas khatulistiwa melintas sekitar 200 satelit asing, termasuk satelit mata-mata
105. Orang di Cina lebih banyak yang berbahasa Inggris dari pada orang di Amerika
106. Karena pengaruh rotasi bumi, kalau kita melempar kearah barat, lemparan kita akan lebih jauh jatuhnya dari pada kearah timur
107. Satu dari 9000 orang menderita albino
108. Kursi listrik ditemukan oleh seorang dokter gigi
109. Kita berulang tahun bersama 9 juta orang dari seluruh dunia
110. Setiap manusia dalam hidupnya rata-rata habis untuk menunggu dilampu merah selama 2 minggu
111. Botol aqua dan tempat makan plastik baru bisa terurai dengan sempurna dalam tanah setelah 50.000 tahun
112. Kucing bisa membuat lebih dari 100 bunyi vokal, anjing hanya bisa sekitar 10
113. Gigi berang-berang tak pernah berhenti tumbuh
114. Kelelawar adalah satu-satunya mamalia yang bisa terbang
115. Jika boneka Barbie adalah manusia, ukurannya adalah 39-23-33 (99-58,5-84 cm). Tingginya sekitar 215 cm dan punya leher 2kali lebih panjang daripada manusia normal
116. Tikus beranakpinak sangat cepat dan dalam waktu 18 bulan, dua tikus dapat memiliki lebih dari 1 juta keturunan.
117. Memakai Headphone selama 1 jam dapat mengembangbiakan bakteri dalam kuping 700 kali lebih cepat.
118. Seekor Babon bernama ‘Jackie’ menjadi prajurit resmi dalam angkatan bersenjata Afrika Selatan pada Perang Dunia I
119. Bibliophile adalah sebutan untuk kolektor buku-buku langka. Bibliopole adalah penjual buku-buku langka
120. Jantung ikan paus biru berdenyut 9 kali dalam semenit
121. Arabic numerals bukan berasal dari Arab, tapi diciptakan di India.
122. Kupu-kupu melihat dengan 12000 mata
123. Bulan February tahun 1865 adalah satu-satunya bulan dalam catatan sejarah yang tidak sempat mengalami bulan purnama.
124. Ayam yang sudah terpenggal lehernya masih mampu lari sepanjang lapangan bola sebelum benar-benar mati.
125. Kecoak bisa hidup 9 hari tanpa kepala, dan akan mati karena kelaparan
126. Di Bumi, satu tahun adalah 365 hari. Di planet Merkurius satu tahun adalah 2 hari
127. Umur dari capung adalah 24 jam
128. Pada Usia 3 bulan janin manusia mulai terbentuk sidik jari.
129. Butuh waktu 6 bulan untuk kuku kaki tumbuh dari bawah paling bawah sampai ujung kuku.
130. Daya ingat ikan hanya 3 detik
131. Bulan purnama 9 kali tebih terang daripada bulan setengah.
132. Untuk setiap patung memorial orang diatas kuda, jika 2 kaki depan kuda mengangkat, maka orang tersebut tewas dalam pertempuran, jika satu kaki kuda yang terangkat, maka orang tersebut meninggal karena luka dalam pertempuran, jika 4 kakinya menginjak tanah, orang tersebut meninggal secara normal.
133. Beruang dewasa dapat lari secepat kuda
134. Tulang kuda lebih banyak 18 buah dari tulang manusia
135. Ubur-ubur terdiri dari 95% air
136. Kulit Zebra adalah putih yang bergaris hitam
137. Kecuali manusia dan monyet, semua mamalia buta warna
138. Biji apel mengandung sianida
139. Tikus dan kuda tidak bisa muntah
140. Penguin adalah burung yang tidak bisa terbang tapi bisa berenang.
141. Astronot dilarang mengkonsumsi kacang sebelum menjelajah ruang angkasa karena jika buang angin dalam baju khusus astronot dapat membahayakan mereka.
142. Winston Churchill lahir di toilet wanita saat acara dansa
143. Sebelum ada pesawat jet, Jetlag disebut Boatlag
144. Kucing berkeringat melalui telapak kakinya (terutama saat mendengar gonggongan anjing)
145. Kucing tidak bisa merasakan rasa manis
146. Coklat meleleh dalam mulut karena titik lelehnya adalah 35 derajat celcius
147. Dalam perang dahulu, orang yang buta warna dibutuhkan dalam tim pendeteksi kamuflase di militer
148. Sapi tidak punya gigi atas
149. Hedenophobic berarti takut akan kesenangan.
150. Pendeta Mesir kuno mencabuti setiap helai rambut dan bulu dari badan mereka.
151. Buaya tidak bisa menjulurkan lidah.
152. Kentut sapi termasuk penyebab utama global warming
153. Semut selalu jatuh miring ke kanan jika diberi racun serangga
154. Kucing rumah benci bau lemon dan semua yang berbau sitrus
155. Donal Bebek dilarang beredar di Finlandia karena Donal tidak pakai celana
156. Nama asli Donal bebek adalah Donald Flauntleroy Duck
157. Indra perasa kupu-kupu ada dikakinya
158. Dry Ice tidak meleleh, tapi menguap
159. Mata burung unta lebig besar dari otaknya
160. Bintang laut tidak punya otak
161. Tiap manusia punya telinga yang berbeda
162. Telur segar tenggelam diair, telur yang kadaluarsa mengambang
163. 80% dari seluruh binatang di dunia adalah serangga
164. Kacang adalah salah satu bahan untuk membuat dinamit
165. Ratu Elizabeth I menderita Anthophobia (takut akan mawar)
166. RSVP adalah Respondez s’il Vous Plait yang artinya ‘mohon jawaban’
167. Mata manusia yang sehat (tidak buta warna) dapat menbedakan 500 jenis warna abu-abu.
168. Ikan mas yang bunting disebut ‘twit’.
169. Eropa adalah benua tanpa padang pasir
170. Lalat meloncat mundur saat akan terbang
171. Sekeor kucing memiliki 32 otot pada tiap telinga
172. Seekor lebah bias terbang dengan kecepatan 15 mul perjam
173. Macan mempunyai kulit yang belang,bukan hanya bulu yang belang.
174. Situs dengan alamat terpanjang adalah situs http://www.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.com
175. Hanya 3 malaikat, Gabriel, Michael dan Lucifer yang disebut dalam injil
176. Kambing mempunya pupil mata segi empat
177. Novel pertama yang menggunakan mesin tik adalah Tom Sawyer
178. Hamster sangat suka makan jangkrik
179. Pemantik ditemukan sebelum korek api
180. Rata-rata dalam setiap batang permen coklat terdapat serangga yang meleleh bersamanya.
181. Tanduk badak terbuat dari rambutnya yang mengeras
182. Perang paling singkat dalam sejarah adalah perang Zanzibar and England tahun 1896. Zanzibar menyerah setelah 38 menit.
183. Kutu rambut sebenarnya lebih suka hidup di kulit kepala yang bersih dari pada yang kotor
184. Kulit beruang kutub sebenarnya hitam. Bulunya berwarna bening, dan tampak putih di salju.
185. Elvis mempunyai saudara kembar bernama Garon, yang meninggal saat lahir, maka nama tengah Elvi adalah Aron, untuk menghormati saudaranya.
186. Landak punya sidik jari yang mirip manusia.
187. Kuda Nil kentut lewat mulut.
188. Shakespeare yang menemukan kata “assassination” dan “bump.”
189. Mahluk yang bisa tersipu-sipu hanya manusia
190. Jika kita memelihara ikan mas dalam ruangan yang gelap, warnanya akan berubah putih.
191. Wanita berkedip dua kali lebih banyak dari pria.
192. Nama Jeep (jip) diampil dari singkatan “GP”, bahasa militer untuk General Purpose.
193. Orang yang menggunakan tangan kanan, kira-kira, 9 tahun lebih panjang umur dari orang kidal
194. Jika semua emas dalam laut ditambang, setiap manusia didunia bisa mendapat emas 20 kg masing2.
195. Jika lever manusia berhenti bekerja, manusia akan mati dalam 8 samapai 24 jam
196. Seorang “quidnunc” adalah sebutan untuk orang yang selalu ingin tahu gosip terbaru.
197. Jika matahari tiba-tiba padam, butuh 8 menit bagi manusia untuk menyadarinya.
198. Leonardo Da Vinci yang menemukan gunting, helikopter, dan banyak alat lainnya.
199. Dalam 4000 tahun, tidak ada jenis binatang peliharaan baru.
200. 25% dari tulang manusia ada di kaki.
201. David Sarnoff adalah orang yang menerima sinyal Titanic dan meyelamatkan ratusan nyawa. Dia akhirnya menjadi kepala jaringan radio, the National Broadcasting Company (NBC).
202. Kira-kira 100 orang tersedak ballpoint tiap tahun.
203. Jika kita terkunci diruang yang kedap udara, kita aka lebih dulu mati keracunan co2 dari pada kekerangan o2
204. Jika kita kehilangan satu mata, kita akan kehilangan 1/5 dari pengelihatan kita dan kehilangan seluruh persepsi tentang kedalaman objek.
205. Berdiri lama tanpa menekuk lutuk sama sekali akan membuat kita pingsan
206. Bawang putih yang kita gosok di tumit kaki akan meresap dapat dapat tercium dalam nafas kita.
207. Dengan merentangkan kedua tangan sejauh mungkin, jarak dari kedua ujung tangan adalah sama dengan tinggi kita.
208. Liburan selama sebelas hari berarti kita punya waktu hampir sejuta detik untuk menikmatinya
209. Dalam film Silence of The Lambs, tokoh Hannibal Lecter tidak pernah berkedip.
210. Di jepang, warung kopi disebut ‘Kissaten’.
211. Merebus telur burung unta butuh waktu 40 menit.
212. Jaguar takut pada anjing
213. Gajah hanya tidur 2 jam dalam sehari
214. Johnny Deep takut pada badut
215. Ganymede adalah bulan planet Jupiter, merupakan bulan terbesar di tata surya kita, lebih besar dari planet Merkurius.
216. Dalam golf, ‘Bo Derek’ adalah istilah untuk nilai 10.
217. Koala punya dua jempol
218. Latte dalam bahasa Italia adalah susu
219. Llanfairpwllgwyngyl lgogerychwyrndro bwlll… adalah nama sebuah desa di Wales Utara, Inggris.
220. Di Italia, Micky Mouse lebih dikenal dengan nama ‘ Topolino’
221. Susu sebenarnya lebih menyerupai makanan daripada minuman.
222. Ada lebih dari 450 jenis susu di dunia. 240 berasal dari Prancis.
223. Nyamuk lebih suka anak-anak daripada orang dewasa.
224. Partikel debu didalam rumah sebagian besar berasal dari sel kulit mati
225. Rat-rata orang bergerak 40 kali dalam tidurnya
226. Dalam bahasa Inggris, ‘Naked’ artinya tanpa perlindungan. ‘Nude’ artinya telanjang
227. Broccoli dan kembang kol adalah sayuran yang berupa bunga.
228. Anak baru lahir memiliki 350 tulang. Mereka menyatu atau menghilang sampai menjadi 206 pada usia 5 tahun.
229. Tidak ada bukti yang pasti siapa yang membangun Taj Mahal.
230. Dalam survey terhadap 200000 burung unta selama 80 tahun, tidak ada satupun yang mengubur kepalanya dalam tanah.
231. Nail Amstrong melangkah pertama kali di bulan dengan kaki kiri.
232. Shuttlecock untuk badminton harus punya 14 bulu.
233. Mutiara bisa larut dalam cuka.
234. Babi tidak dapat berkeringat karena tidak punya kelenjar keringat. Mereka berlumur lumpur untuk mendinginkan kulitnya.
235. Venus dan Uranus adalah planet di tata surya kita yang berputar melawan jarum jam. Jadi matahari terbit dari barat di planet ini.
236. Microwave ditemukan setelah seorang ilmuan yang berjalan melewati tabung radar mendapati permen coklatnya meleleh disakunya.
237. Ikan hiu kebal terhadap kanker
238. Rusa Santa bernama: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, dan Blitzen
239. Beberapa jenis cacing pita akan memakan dirinya sendiri jika kelaparan.
240. Kita bisa menghela sapi naik tangga, tapi tidak bisa menghela mereka turun tangga.
241. Plakat yang ditinggalkan Apollo 11 di bulan berbunyi “Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the Moon July 1969, A.D. / WE CAME IN PEACE FOR ALL MANKIND.”
242. Alpabet Hawai terdiri dari 12 huruf saja
243. Nama paling populer di dunia adalah Muhammad.
244. Bola mata kita beratnya sekitar 28 gram
245. Paru-paru kiri lebih kecil dari paru-paru kanan karena memberi tempat terhadap jantung.
246. Pinguin hanya ada di kutub selatan, dan tidak bisa menyebrangi equator.
247. Kebanyakan orang bisa mendengar lebih baik dengan kuping kanan
248. Vitamin pada buah biasanya terdapat pada kulitnya
249. Rata-rata klakson mobil berbunyi pada nada F
250. Pria lebih mampu membaca tulisan dengan ukuran huruf kecil daripada wanita

1,353 responses »

  1. According to Bow Wow’s who is ciara dating 106 & Park interview, he and Ciara are history and I think who is ciara dating that she may have been the one to end things because he seemed a little bitter about it. I don’t know who she is dating now. That photo of her on Nelly’s bedside on that Over and Over Again video did cause me to think of the possibility of a relationship between Nelly & Ciara but it was after that that she went public with her relationship with Bow Wow. Yesterday on 106 & Park, Lil Fizz (formerly of B2K) hinted that he would be interested in dating Ciara. Rocsi was sure to call him out on that. Ciara is probably weighing her options and playing it cool right now. She may not who is ciara dating be dating anyone.

  2. There are many ways of who is zac efron dating chatting so you can know the truth about the person. When advertising yourself, one practical dating advice for you is to always emphasize your best qualities. Perhaps the free christian dating online best quality of a Boomer woman is that she is a woman of experience and capable of doing many things. The boomer woman is not fretful or jealous or impatient like their younger counterparts. Younger men even prefer to date older women because of these qualities. There is less emotional burden and issues unlike girls in their 20’s whose main concerns are shoes and nail colors. Mature women are intelligent and adult dating can talk widely of many topics.

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  3. Who ever so this person really is (who is definitely NOT you) and who keeps on dreaming of matching up Raven with such god awful gangsta rap like artists like “Lil’ Wayne” and Omarion is really outta their mind.

    Raven is proudly not emulating who is Raven Symone dating the Jonas Brothers for their “pure” lifestyles…sure, she’s older tham them(and maybe doesn’t listen to their music),date some such immoral folks can like those two rappers!

    Also, Raven dating Evan Ross(Diana Ross’ oldest son), now that would be a MORALLY better match!

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You will discover quite a few rewards to accomplishing this, not the least of which is discovering how they speak. So then you basically apply that information to your own marketing and advertising, after which you are going to be talking the same language.|The curious aspect concerning Twitter is that countless modest organizations are less than sure the best way to correctly use it. Although that’s accurate, there are usually solid factors why any company marketing functions the way it does. Certainly, we can only carry out what we know and understand resting on our present degree of knowledge. Nevertheless, Twitter can could be seen as the least totally understood social web site, but that does not mean you can’t recognize it or use it to your benefit. You can reverse that circumstance with Twitter quickly after you have an understanding of how it operates. 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    I arrived by this area to see the inside and just get an experience of the retailer before I created a acquire for my darling girlfriend. She wouldn’t actually permit me to devote this considerably on her if I gave her a heads up, but a excellent woman warrants it all. I will obtain a bag for her from LV as prolonged as they proceed developing tasty objects. What I enjoy most here in comparison to other brands on 5th avenue, etc…the consumer assistance. I say [b][url=http://www.louisvuittonloveyou.com]louis vuitton purses[/url][/b] because in comparison to the LV keep positioned inside of Macy’s at Herald Square, you are not treated like you don’t belong since of pores and skin colour. Sure, I went there…I threw the “Race” card and for very good explanation. Irrespective how I carry myself or how my business has positioned me to gown, it appears safety nonetheless really feel I don’t belong. This is 1 of the factors I will not go to the thirty fourth Avenue location. I take pleasure in safety guards assuming how considerably I can afford by the color of my skin, as opposed to what’s inside my lender account.
    However, this place welcomed me with open arms and not like a second rate citizen. Listed here, only my pounds matter, not the shade of my skin. And in the market place for designer products, shouldn’t that be the only thing of problem anyway? After producing my 1st go to here in 2008, I can see why girls adore LV bags and it’s undoubtedly why I will proceed getting [b][url=http://www.louisvuittonbop.com]lui viton[/url][/b] for my girlfriend.
    Stunning big keep!! Drool!! Also negative it is not well worth it for a Canadian to acquire listed here. We get Louis Vuitton merchandise for five-10% cheaper than US merchants. And paying duty isn’t really worth it possibly. But this flagship store is extremely great. They have all the nice ostrich leather-based items. It’s equivalent to the shops in Hong Kong.
    My sister and I arrived in right here to buy matching baggage and we felt as if had been had been in a Chinese subway battling for an eggroll.

    Beneficial salespeople, but its so crowded, that the line to acquire was 15 minutes long… we left and will purchase them from LA.

    Also, there ended up no embossing or engraving companies offered like the stores in California… unusual.
    The support is phenomenal. The salesperson truly did the very best he can to try to accomodate. Even though the fit of my desires ended up currently being a little bit as well massive, I walked out pleased and happy.
    Fellas, I’ll notify you what – I keep my IRA with LVMH, final yr it showed [b][url=http://www.louisvuittonqueens.com]lv handbags[/url][/b] fifty six%up. And here’s the purpose why.

    LV luggage are state of the art. Absolutely, they seem overpriced but say that in 10, twenty, thirty several years (I bet you’ll nevertheless have your previous LV purse). No other brand can defeat the high quality.
    Found on the first flooring of Bloomingdales flagship retailer on Third Voie (corner of East 57th Road), this Louis Vuitton boutique is 1 of the handful of consignment boutique locations that the manufacturer has located within a department keep in the New York Metropolitan region (the other two spots are Macy’s Herald Sq. flagship retailer and Macy’s Garden City shop). Amazing assortment, the boutique is really nicely stored and stocked with the brand’s renowned leather goods this kind of as carry bags, footwear, and eye dress in. The capacity to use one’s in-house Bloomingdale’s charge card adds additional details to this location. Great to examine out if you are in the region and want to stay away from the hordes of consumers at Louis Vuitton’s flagship shop at the corner of Fifth Voie and East 57th Road.
    As for each this store, I selected it due to the fact I go there for al sales. Just kidding, there are no profits ever. This is my favorite keep however. I would like the support came again to the amount it was.

    There’s absolutely nothing at all I can say incorrect about this store! It genuinely is incredible from screen windows to [b][url=http://www.louisvuittonunlimited.com]lv free shipping[/url][/b] in aspect and environment which truly sets the mood so substantial! Each flooring is twinkle in my eyes!
    I shopped below for the 1st time and super energized to turn into a loved ones member at L.V. (hehehe) The staffs are so professional and not snobby which is the best point at a large finish store.
    Though the place is crowded sometimes… what do you assume? it is L.V. following all and the place is a super principal attraction place!

  453. I needed my 100th critique to be a exclusive [b][url=http://www.clouisvuitton.com]luxury louis vuitton[/url][/b] a single so I saved it for a evaluation of Neiman Marcus and particularly for Janelle who works at the Laura Mercier counter in the cosmetics division. I have been a consumer of hers for years and even followed her from retail store to store right up until she identified her property the following at Neiman Marcus. I recall seeing her at the initially retail store she labored at considering how pretty she was and how excellent her makeup looked so I requested that she do a make-up application for me. I loved how it turned out and how sweet she was and I have been a satisfied customer of hers at any time given that.
    I went to try to trade a [b][url=http://www.clouisvuitton.com]louis vuitton designer[/url][/b] wallet that my boyfriend had presented me as a present for Xmas. He bought it from the Neiman Marcus in Palo Alto, but we made a decision to hit Union Square to examine out Chanel in scenario Neiman’s didn’t have what I wished. The shop is tiny. Barely any options or variety. I asked for a black quilted bi fold wallet. Almost nothing. i didn’t even see the wallet that my boyfriend bought for me on show. Returned the wallet and walked across the road to the Chanel Boutique. Go to the Chanel store. Far more assortment and colour options.
    She is extremely beneficial and educated on all issues cosmetics without getting pushy and if you are seeking to get your make-up carried out you will not be disappointed [b][url=http://www.glouisvuitton.com]Louis Vuitton outlet[/url][/b]. I always get compliments from her co-workers and random buyers when she does my makeup and the compliments continue even when I go away the retail store. Flawless skin? Check out. Thicker lips? Check out. Awesome eye make-up? Test. She’s identified for her brows even though and I must confess, my eyebrows look thicker and a lot more arched when she does them.
    Great employees, unbelievably valuable and at least for me, zero pretension. I generally store the fragrance and cosmetics sections’. I know [b][url=http://www.clouisvuitton.com]louis vuitton designer[/url][/b] they are on commission but they know when to back again off if you’re just searching.
    I also love the simple fact that I can walk in with my properly behaved puppy and not get hassled (yes i have develop into one particular of individuals girls!).
    Most of the pores and skin care consultants know their stuff. The girls’ at the Kiehl’s counter had been educated, funny and down to earth.
    I commonly shop Saks, but the customer company listed here is superior above all.
    At Neiman’s you get large good quality goods with similarly stellar customer services [b][url=http://www.dlouisvuitton.com]louis vuitton fashion[/url][/b]. Very well truly worth the excursion downtown.
    The Freshmarket Cafe is yummy as properly and great for people today seeing!
    Laura Mercier goods are fantastic and I’m a enormous supporter of their lotion and facial pores and skin treatment. The pistachio lotion smells incredible and I’ve gotten tons of compliments on it. I had a TSA agent explain to me I smelled like a churro (in a excellent way) soon after she did my pat-down haha! Their products are on the pricey side but you get what you shell out for and they very last a really lengthy time.

    I will add that I am also a typical buyer of Joe in the shoe division. (Or as a lot of a typical as can be taking into consideration how pricey most of the objects in this keep are!) He will consider treatment of all your shoe-searching demands and can even help you buy items from other departments. He’s incredibly pleasant with a great sensation of humor and had me cracking up the initially time I met him following a person referred me to him. He will make your shopping knowledge even more enjoyable and pleasurable. I will say although that all the product sales associates in the shoe section are rapid to offer their help which is usually great.

    A single a lot more issue I want to add: I would surely suggest grabbing a bite at their restaurant The Rotunda even if you do not plan on performing any searching in the store. It can be obtained a excellent watch of Union Square and their popovers and lobster au gratin are awesome! Enjoyable spot to have lunch 🙂

    A buddy of mine brought me a cookie from Neiman Marcus the other night and I was a bit skeptical about it. I seemed at it on my desk and asked myself how could a cookie from a department retailer be very good? I touched it a bit to truly feel if it was a challenging or delicate cookie and it was soft, my favourite. However questioning if consuming this would be a blunder, I began unwrapping it from its sophisticated Neiman Marcus embossed cellophane envelope. My initial instinct was to scent the cookie to figure out what kind it was as there was no visible indications by means of the envelope such as chocolate chips. It was a peanut butter cookie… I’m not a supporter of peanut butter cookies so I set it down. Immediately after a few minutes went by and I had worked myself up into a frenzy basically fantasizing about this cookie, I had to attempt it. I broke to perfectly baked, moist-centered cookie in two and observed a red filling begin to ooze from it. I’m not typically a enthusiast of taking the center first bite as I like to help you save it for final, but this was unique. I had to taste this.
    *You can locate a collage of makeup that Janelle has accomplished on me on my profile web page.

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  504. Just received back again from buying my wife her birthday present at Hermes of Paris. It was wonderful time in the shop. The personnel took great treatment and produced my spouse and me sense extremely welcomed. It was our 1st visit of Hermes and my wife now owns a stunning H basic belt. The very first piece in her assortment far more to occur for future birthdays
    Hermes– astronomically pricey things that you wonder WHO would be buying here. All of their things are created the previous fashioned way, by hand and with [b][url=http://www.hermesloveyou.com]birkin bags[/url][/b] several hours of labor. I guess that’s the explanation for the markup. Oh, and the legendary label that only would seem to get more popular with the several years (…thanks, Kardashians?)

    I won’t be getting a $15K Birkin any time shortly, but this shop does have a excellent collection of H things. If you’re seeking to majorly splurge, this is the place to do it. There is a very good collection of women’s scarves, enamel/leather bracelets, belts, wallets, agenda guides, clothes, housewares, and many others and so forth. I’ve but to see a Birkin, but I have spotted a Kelly a couple of times.

    Consumer services– normal of large stop retailers, if you don’t gown the component (aka not dripped in designers) or don’t suit their age assortment, profits associates are inclined to dismiss you– but not the protection guard! Most of the SAs are nice once you interact in discussion with them, but you’ll have to take that step to display them you are severe.
    Planet class shopping for merchandise that turn into treasures and heirlooms. An Hermes – Something – [b][url=http://www.go4hermes.com]hermes products[/url][/b] is particular from a leather-based belt, silver chain to a renowned Birkin bag. My spouse and I are pure aficionado’s of the Hermes lines, know all the merchandise and can’t possibly have enough.

    Their styles are iconic, the resources identified nowhere else and unduplicable company.

    You won’t be let down, the prices reflect these characteristics.

    This is a vogue hoarder’s aspiration come true. Right after weeks of perusing the site, my co-employee and I ventured to the physical area in Union Sq.. We put in more than an hour searching at almost every single solitary piece of merchandise. Two salesgirls who sat out front ended up not very valuable, but who cares? The established-up of the retailer gives you unbridled entry to all the items (except Hermes and some tiny components). Some of the LV parts had been insanely overpriced ($300 for a used add-ons pochette?), but those are handful of and significantly in amongst. Excellent variety of Chanel.

    What did it for me had been the bowls of candy and nuts on the entrance counter. Eat ME? Don’t head if I do.
    They provide this sort of wonderful company (real smiles). We love their sneakers/sandals – my eight calendar year old and I….they by no means stop to amaze me…the complete purchasing encounter is pretty. We walked in this past Saturday, they recognized us quickly! We had been there very last December buying our daughter a happy pair of the penguin boots.

    Peter, a single of the revenue associates, is untiringly responding to our curious lady…wherever do you get services like that? Not at Hermes, I can say that a lot…to our dismay, we went there after we visited Camper. This kind of disappointment – I digress…this critique is about Camper : )

    He remembered virtually all the sandals we personal… [b][url=http://www.hermesheart.com]hermes kelly bag[/url][/b] is wonderful service! We gladly shop there…he also provided to fix my sandals from two many years ago that essential some loving treatment….kudos to Peter!

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    I visited the Hermes shop in research of a 100ml bottle of Equipage and identified it. the doorman was gracious to open up the door for me and the son and greet us very good afternoon. On getting into and staring around seeking for the fragrances a more youthful revenue gal with eyeglasses came over and asked how she could help. I identified my ‘[b][url=http://www.hermesfair.com]latest hermes handbags[/url][/b]’ and indicated I would keep on to look around. The sales gal hovered close by and when I appeared at the enamel bracelets she came over and described the approach of how they are manufactured.

    The product sales dude downstairs greeted us as we looked at ties and shoes. I was dressed comfortably – plaid shorts and RL polo but felt I was taken care of as a buyer should be.
    It is Hermes. Of training course the things are attractive.
    As I ogled an unbelievably lovely hand-stitched crocodile hoodie, an exceptionally welcoming salesman walked by and respectfully stated “There are only a few of them in the United States. Go in advance and try out it on.” I responded “Oh, no way, I can’t.” He warmly repeated himself, “Go in advance and consider it on, make sure you.” I quickly removed myself from the predicament, hoping to control myself, being aware of how incredibly effortless it would have been to hurdle throughout the close by glass ledge, knock over the Security Guard and lightning-bolt out the front doorway, scale the side of the developing, and lizard-leap from developing-best to developing-top rated right up until I reach the predictable security of my own familiar apartment, in which I could thereafter continue being peacefully rocking back again-and-forth in a dark corner grappling My Valuable. To estimate Jerri Blank (Strangers with Candy), “Change. Can we change?”
    What is fantastic about Hermes is the buyer company. Really very well-informed SAs and you they can refurb anything!

    I get irritated when men and women appear into the shop just to inquire for a Birkin. There are so numerous other lovely bags (not to mention prepared-to-use and equipment).

    Only grievance is the return policy. You greater get home fast with your scarf to make it matches the outfit you had in brain and much better get back again to the retailer ASAP if it does not!
    Overall, you get what you spend for and I would recommend a visit to this keep even though in NYC.
    The 5 stars are for the merchandise.

    As for the revenue help, when I went into the Boston store with an acquaintance, the SA’s stopped chatting among themselves as we walked in and stood at attention. We had been welcomed and handled most graciously.
    I firmly think that you get from other men and women the same perspective you set out, as in each and every location of existence. I uncover it intriguing that folks can occur to the exact same store or cafe and a single will praise it to the skies even though the other people are disgusted and detrimental. This is clearly the purpose why.
    If you go in experience afraid and feel like you may well not belong there, the folks will choose up on it.
    If you don’t think you are worthy of excellent company, you won’t get it.
    If you are arrogant and defensive, they will mirror that. If you are hostile and unfriendly, ditto. And so forth.
    By default, you get the best possibility for excellent support if you wander in wearing Hermes in some form, the a lot more obvious the greater-e.g. a Kelly or Birkin bag and/or scarf. (but beware-do not wear fakes!!!!!) And gown truly properly. No prole caps or working footwear or jeans-except you use them with big diamonds.
    You should also bear in mind that Hermes has to offer with a large tourist crowd who-as a lot of folks are these days, regrettably-typically lack simple manners. And hordes of women demanding Birkins…who are not in a position to purchase them anyway but just want to contact a single. Sigh.
    I recently go through a accurate tale of a lady who brought her Birkin into Hermes and rested it atop a counter to appear at one thing close by. Another customer arrived in excess of and asked her if it was true. She stated indeed. And this woman then picked up the purse and exclaimed “but it’s so weighty!”
    The bag’s operator mentioned: “that is because it has all my factors in it.”
    The woman then proceeded to Empty OUT THE OWNER’S BAG!!!!!!! onto the counter, to the amazement of the SA nearby.
    Shocked, the proprietor stopped the girl and told her the bag was not for sale and that it was hers.

    btw, it truly is genuine that you can purchase a Birkin (or Kelly) in the retailer-there is no waiting around record unless you want to order a specific pores and skin. You just have to spend a substantial amount in the retailer and then inquire if they have a Birkin to match your [b][url=http://www.hermesheaven.com]hermes replica birkin handbags[/url][/b] what ever (s). The author of “Getting Residence The Birkin” is definitely right about this.

    Yes it’s outrageous, but as usually, cash talks.

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